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The New Section (and announcement area)

April 10~ New Goddess of the month (Zorya), NEWS articles added! (finally, no????)

March 7~ New Goddess of the month available! Other stuff too.....

February 23~ Yeah, I have been updating, just not the updates page! Whats new? Ummmmmm there's a new survey you can take, and a new Goddess of the month, and probably more I just can't think of them right now!

January 24~ New Goddess of the Month! Also, new news articles!

January 23~ I AM ALIVE AND HERE! :) Just a few little things done, not much. I'll try to make a point of working a bit on this site everyday for a bit, see if I can get some new things up.

August 17~ The time draws near where I will be unavailable from September to mid-January because of a foreign exchange opportunity. I ask you to please not send any emails to me until the time comes when I return. Feel free to keep sending them until September! News articles have been added.

August 3~ New Goddess of the Month up, this month's Goddess is Psyche! New Lammas section up!

July 27~ Several experiences added in the dreams and broomcloset sections as well as in the In and Out section. Several news articles also added.

July 25~ New Goddess of the Month up! This month's Goddess is Coatlicue!

July 8~ Sorry that the Goddess of the month will have to be a bit late, I'll be out of town until the 21st, thus she will be here around then. Recent news articles added as well as basic maintenance.

June 7~ NEW Goddess for Goddess of the Month, Page of Litha created, Poetry section updated.
