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Disclaimer:  I may, or may not, have a way of getting in touch with these athletes. Most of the time, I do not know of how to get ahold of them. This is just a informative site about natives in the field of competition, and isn't a way of getting in touch with them. I wish I could offer any help, but most likely, I am unable to do so. Please do not ask me for any emails or #'s of those featured here, because I do not have that information, sorry.

You have now entered the Native Athlete's Site I created for everyone in mind. Here you will find information about some of those doing remarkable things on the playing fields of football, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, swimming, boxing, and various other sports. What's even more remarkable about those featured here, are that they are of native american decent. No one, other then other native americans, know the true hardships faced in everyday life of reservation living. Even those natives that live off the reservations have their own hardships they deal with, because they are away from their people.

Each athlete has a story all their own. Featured here, will be those they speak with actions alone. Those actions that earn them their recognition on the fields of competition, and off.

Browse around the various sections to see who's stories are available, and if you see any that aren't featured here, please let me know through the use of E-mail

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