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N a t i v e  A t h l e t e ' s  S i t e  --  C o l l e g e  A t h l e t e s

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Okay, all athletes now have their very own page on this site. They will go where they belong. (College, High-School, or Professional)

These are the College Athletes' features.


        Brian Holiday

        Michael Roanhorse

        Jarvis Mullahon

        Bobby Manheimer

        Simmarron Schildt

        Monika Crank

        Robin Shield

        Lawrence & Lamoni Yazzie


        Larissa K. Foley

        Sarah Knife Chief


        Roderick Denetso


        Miscellaneous Stuff

Others to be added later on, as more info is provided. If you want to see someone on this site, please email me and I'll put it up ASAP.

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