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This part of the site deals with links. Links first featured are links to sites dealing with native athletes in some way.
  • Notah Begay Fansite: Hey, this is for Notah Begay III and you should stop by and check it out. Don't take my word for it, just visit it. J/K :)  Please stop by though, because it is a good site to visit.

  • Warhooper Basketball Team: Independant team playing in various tournaments. This team hails from the rosebud rez, in south dakota. This site has pics, and some info regarding the team.

  • Indian National Finals Rodeo: Info on the event held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sections include:  Pow-wow Winners, Performer Stats, Champions, Past Champions (still being worked on), and Regions.

  • Cheyenne Frontier Days: A lot of info about the event, and other things too. This is a large site for Rodeo Fans.

  • Iroqois National Lacrosse Team: "The Iroquois Nationals stand as the only Indigenous Nation worldwide participating in international sports competition." Meaning:  they go to international competition, like the olympics, and they're their own team. They don't play for Canada, U.S., or anyone, but themselves. The Iroqois National Lacrosse team was also covered in the ESPN special. The site has photos, but not much else. The site is still being worked on.

  • Navajo Time's Sport Section: This is mainly dealing with Navajos, but they are native. I found out that Gallup's Cross Country teams (Boys & Girls) are state champs. I also found out that Albuquerque is going to host a ‘Notah Begay III Day’ on November 12th.

  • Native Rodeo: The rodeo folk aren't readily looked at as athletes. It does take a lot of mental preparation and some physical preparation to get ready to ride. I, myself, don't travel the rodeo circuit, or consider myself a cowboy, but will add a li'l something about native cowboys to this site.

  • Against The Wind: Traditions of Native American Running: This site is for Native American Runners. There are history points, and stories on this site too. It's supposed to be going through 3 phases. It's in the 1st phase now. There's other parts to this site. It's something I saw and had to add to this page.

  • Native Hockey Players: I know that in the states, Hockey doesn't play a dominant role as it does in Canada. But I stumbled on this site devoted to Professional Hockey Players that are native. There are facts (like position played, Tribe, etc...) and some pics here. I don't know too much on Hockey, but this is native orientated, so I'm putting it up.

    (*note* This site hasn't been updated at all in so long. The player of the month is for July of 98 and the weekly notable is from December of 98. I'm guessing, that the creator or this site isn't planning on doing anything new to it for awhile, or at all.)

  • Native American Sports Council: This is an organization dealing with native athletes, and offers different types of assistance to them. A nice site to visit, and they offer more information on some athletes not featured here. Check it out to see what I mean.

Links found on this site

I did have a lot of links here, but now, there are too many to keep up with. Whatever page you're on will include links to other sites (maybe). It's too time consuming to keep up a list of links for places I find info. I haven't done so for awhile, and have taken this part of the links down.

General Sports' Links

This is where I'll put up some General Sports Links. These don't directly deal with Native Athletes. These are just some links I found interesting and wanted to share.
  • Eastbay online: This for Athletic Gear. They got all kinds of stuff to check out. Lots of Women's, and Men's Gear. Has some stuff that strengthens and protective equipment too.

  • This site deals with Basketball, and only basketball. All things covering, or dealing with basketball is here. They got athletes covered from high school to the pros. A lot to see here.

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