Booth* MOZINGO, son of George MOZINGO and ? ? , was born bef. 1753 in VA or NC. He died aft. 30 September 1791. ? ? was born bef. 1759. She died UNKNOWN.

Children of Booth* MOZINGO and ? ? are:
1. William* MOZINGO, b. 1775 See William* MOZINGO & Laney (COTTON)
2. Lewis* MOZINGO, b. bet. 1775 and 1780 See Lewis* MOZINGO, (Monzingo) & Naomi ?, "Omie"
3. Pearce* MOZINGO, b. bet. 1780 and 1790 See Pearce* MOZINGO & ? ?
4. Maryan* MOZINGO, b. bef. 1769
5. Sarah* MOZINGO, b. abt. 1780 See Jesse SKINNER & Sarah* MOZINGO
6. George* MOZINGO, b. abt. 1787 See George* MOZINGO & Mary SKINNER OR George* MOZINGO & Jane JEFFERIES

Notes for Booth* MOZINGO:

1790 Dobbs Co, NC, Newbern District, Mezingo, Booth - Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 (Booth); Free white males under 16 years: 4 (William?, Lewis?, George?, Pearce?); Free white females, including heads of families: 2 (Wife, ?).
Dobbs County, NC - Court Records
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Grace Williamson Turner
Transcribed and posted by Lori Price Cobb (

The Public of North Carolina to the First Company of the
Dobbs Detachment in the Expedition against the Insurgents

Total of
N.of daily Each Mans
Days Pay Pay
# S __
To Captain Martin Paquells from 23 of
March 1771 till 30 June ____ Inclusion 100 7/6 37 20 -
Lieut John H___dage do 100 5/ 25 - -
Ensign John Torrano do 100 4/6 22 10 -
Bryan Whitfield Clerk do 100 4/ 20 - -
Thomas Smith Sergeant do 100 4/ 20 - -
James Nicholson from 30th March till
4th August when he was discharged
from the hospital 120 4/ 25 12 -
John Bunby Sergeant from 29th March
till 4th August when he was also
discharged from the Hospital 60 4/ 13 12 -
William Barwith Corporal from 31 March
till 30th June 00 3/ 11 4 -
James Lowrey Corporal from 5th April
till 20th June Inclusive 77 3/ 11 11 -
John Williams Drummer from 3oth March
till 26th June 93 3/ 13 19 -
Cornelius Taylor from 23rd March till
26th June, he served 46 days as Corporal
while Lowrey was the Hospital which is
charged at 3/___ of the time at 2/ 96 11 10 -
Daniel Brown from 12th April till
26th June 76 2/ 7 12 -
Samuel Albertson from 24th March till
26th June 95 2/ 9 10 -
James Clark from 20th March till 20th
June 90 2/ 9 - -
Samuel Heron do 90 do 9 - -
Tilomus Gray do 90 do 9 - -
John Toole Junr do 90 do 9 - -
Soowick Gray do 90 do 9 - -
Daniel Goodson do 90 do 9 - -

Amount Carried Over 205 10 -

(Page 2)
Amount Carried Over 205 10 -
To Aaron Tols___ay from 20th March
till 30th June Inclusive 93 2/ 9 6 -
Peter Fountain do 93 do 9 6 -
Shadrach Campbell do 93 do 9 6 -
John Risher Junr do 93 do 9 6 -
John Risher Thomas do 93 do 9 6 -
Michel Grant from 3rd April till
26th June 84 do 8 8 -
Elisha Fairless do 84 do 8 8 -
John Reyly do 84 do 8 8 -
John Sauls do 84 do 8 8 -
Joseph Gleton from 3rd April till
30th June 88 do 8 16 -
Epaphraditus Hanks from 5th April
till 26th June 83 do 8 6 -
William Forehand from 3rd April till
30th June 88 do 8 16 -
Booth Mozingo from 5th do till 26 June 83 do 8 6 -
John Yams do 83 do 8 6 -
Joseph Hinson do 83 do 8 6 -
John Calhon Junr do 83 do 8 6 -
Jacob Happer do 83 do 8 6 -
James Young do 83 do 8 6 -
Anthony Mears do 83 do 8 6 -
Levi Jackson do 83 do 8 6 -
Joshua Lindal from do till 11 May 37 do 3 14 -
Moses Armes from 6th April till 26 June 82 do 8 4 -
Belitha Tilghman do 82 do 8 4 -
Michael Hickel do 82 do 8 4 -
Daniel Holland from do to do 80 do 8 - -
F__ Palmer from 9 do to do 79 do 7 10 -
Benjamin Hodges do 79 do 7 10 -
John Grimsley do 79 do 7 10 -
James Smith from 12th do to do 76 do 7 12 -
James Smith (B__y) do 76 do 7 12 -
John Deven do 76 do 7 12 -
William Bealk do 76 do 7 12 -
Amount Carried Forward 540 14 -

(Page 3)
Brought Forward 540 14 -
John Hardie from 12th April till
30th June 80 2/ 8 - -
William Davis do 80 2/ 8 - -
John Whaley from 12th April till
26th June 76 do 7 12 -
Thomas Buzby do 76 do 7 12 -
Jesse Kennedy do 76 do 7 12 -
George Smith do 76 do 7 12 -
Robert White do 76 do 7 12 -
Richard Warner do 76 do 7 12 -
Benjamin Dever Junr do 76 do 7 12 -
Miles Hutchins from 12th do to 27th do 16 do 1 12 -
David Parker from 20th April to 26 June 60 do 6 16 -
John Waterer Junr do 60 do 6 16 -
Gross _________ 633 2 -

__ Martin Caswell

Dobbs County
November 26, 1771 Personally appeared Capt
Martin Caswell before me a Justic for said County
and made oath to the truth of the above acct

Sworn before Martin Caswell
Simon Bright

Sources for Booth* MOZINGO:

  1. Calculation of date of birth, 1769 tax list - minimum 16 yrs
  2. Lineages Report, 1780Dobbs County, North Carolina. Booth and Pierce MOZINGO listed as taxpayers (NC Taxpayers, vol. 2, p. 137).
  3. JOHNSTON, DOBBS, AND LENOIR COUNTIES GRANTOR/GRANTEE INDEX - Old Dobbs County - BOOK 11 - January 1777 - April 1779,
  4. JOHNSTON, DOBBS, AND LENOIR COUNTIES GRANTOR/GRANTEE INDEX - Old Dobbs County - BOOK 13 - April 1784 to April 1789 (1),
  5. Noah Rouse Collection, Dobbs Co. deed from Jesse Cotton to Thomas Wilson Senr. same co. 25 pounds. Land WS Lower Falling Creed and SW side of Ground Nut marsh. 25 ac. 9 Nov 1790. Signed Jesse [C] Cotton, witnesses Bold Robin Hood, Boothe [X] Mozingo.
  6. Entries for Claims within the County of Dobbs,
  7. JOHNSTON, DOBBS, AND LENOIR COUNTIES GRANTOR/GRANTEE INDEX - Old Dobbs County - BOOK 14 - April 1789 - April 1792 (1),
  8. Old Dobbs County Records, 1779 Voter List (Old Dobbs) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA At an election of one Senator and Two Members of the House of Commons to Represent the county of Dobbs held at the Court House the 10th and 11th of March, 1779, the following persons voted for Members of the House of Commons to wit: ... Mozingo, Booth; Mozingo, George ... Benja Caswell, Sheriff - March 1779"
  9. First 1788 Vote - Dobbs County, NC, No. Voters Names R. C. B. W. J. H. M. W. I. C. J. G. B. S. 6 Boothe Mazingo l l l l l
  10. State of North Carolina Entries of Claims for Land within the County of Glasgow 1790 - 1797, Sept 31, 1791 Thomas Willson 74 acres On ground Nutt Swamp Joining his own lines Jesse Cottons and Buth Mezengoes Lines Iss. (Lenoir)
  11. Dobbs County North Carolina 1769 Taxables, DOBBS CO. 1769 TAXABLES male White Blk MOZINGO Boothe 1
  12. DOBBS/LENOIR/GREENE COUNTY, NC - Taxlist - Dobbs 1780 Taxlist, District # 2 TAYLORLenoir County - Vicinity of LaGrange and the Institute community.DIST/Payee FIRST LAST NAME VALUE COMMENT2 22 Booth Mozingo 395

Notes for ? ?:

Sources for ? ?:

  1. Calculation of date of birth, 1775 birth of child - 16 yrs

Notes for Maryan* MOZINGO:

Noah Rouse Collection - Duke University Rare Books Manuscript and Special Collections Library 6th 22D
Dobbs Co. deed from Boothe Mozingo to John Rouse Senr. same co. 20 pounds. 200 ac. land bordering James Lawson's line, John Rouse. 5 Feb 1785. signed Booth [X] Mozingo, witnesses Wm. Morton, John Rouse Junr. Maryan Mozingo

Sources for Maryan* MOZINGO:

  1. Calculation of date of birth, 1785 land deed - minimum 16 yrs