Sarah* MOZINGO, "Sally", daughter of Pearce MOZINGO and ? ? , was born abt. 1770 in NC - (Prob. ). She died bef. 06 September 1841 in Wayne Co, NC.

Children of Sarah* MOZINGO, "Sally" are:
1. Absolem Pierce MOZINGO, b. 1799 See Absolem Pierce MOZINGO & Mary JONES OR Absolem Pierce MOZINGO & Sarah ?
2. Alley MOZINGO, b. abt. 1800 See John Allen ROBINSON & Alley MOZINGO
3. Susan MOZINGO, b. 10 April 1803 See Lewis WARD & Susan MOZINGO
4. Graddy MOZINGO, b. bet. 1805 and 1810 See Graddy MOZINGO & Elizabeth JOHNSON OR Graddy MOZINGO & Mary SIKES, "Polly"
5. Winifred MOZINGO, b. bet. 1800 and 1810 See Thomas GRANT & Winifred MOZINGO
6. Anna MOZINGO, b. abt. 1820 See John Henry ANDERSON & Anna MOZINGO

Notes for Sarah* MOZINGO, "Sally":

1830 Wayne NC, p 511 A. Whitfield District, Sarah Mozingo, Males: 2->under 5 (West age 3?, Rufus age 1?), 1->5-10 (?), 1->20-30 (Graddy age 25?); Females: 1->5-10 (?), 2->10-15 (Anna age 10?, ?), 1->20-30 (Elvy?), 1->60-70 (Sally). Absolem Pierce, Ally and Susan would all ready be married. Of course instead of Elvy and her children West and Rufus it could be Winifred age 20-30, and hers, Louisa age 10, Mark age 3, and Thomas age 3.

1840 Wayne Co, NC, p 209, Waynesborough District, SALLY -- Males 2->10-15 (West age 13?, Rufus age 11?); Females: 1->5-10 (Jane?), 1->60-70 (Sally); Total 4.

From the Records of Melicent Remy:

1. 1836, April 28 Sale of land (indenture) to Sally Mozingo (spelled �Mosingo�) of 112 acres by a Shadrack Wooten. Land was in Wayne Co. on the N. Side of the Neuse River and the S. Side of Walnut Creek. Security given Jan. 29, 1836. Security put up for loan; price of land was $250 payable on January first of the next year. Recorded May term of Court, 1836.


1. 1841, Sept 6A schedule of the property of the late Sally Mozingo, with Richard Hinson being granted adminstrative dispensation with the listed schedule of items - �special letters� granted to R. Hinson on the above articles...

2. 1841, Sept 6R.D. Hinson & Calvin Coor are bonded for $500 in obligation for R.D. Hinson to act as special administrator of the estate of Sally Mozingo.

3. 1841, Sept 6More complete documentation of #1 within a separate legal document, where � letters of special administration� are given to Richard Hinson & a list of estate items follows.

4. 1841, September 27Full account of the sale of property of Sally Mozingo, sold by Richard D. Hinson. (Very interesting account of the items that composed the household & the crops that were grown; side saddle included, so she or one of the females of the household was a rider - that & wagon & �foot� were typical transportation in those days!)

5. 1841, Nov. 15Richard Hinson, Benjamin Herring and Kinchen Smith are bonded for $1000 to fully administer the estate of Sally Mozingo.

6. 1841, ?? (Undated document of notation of petition; filed in Wayne Co. folder) Petition for partition of land, with several of Sally Mozingo�s children attempting to exclude others siblings from a share of the land. Petitioners are: Winifred and Grady Mozingo, Alley Robinson and Anna Anderson.This document gives petitioners their request using the argument that the defendants, Pierce Mozingo and Susan Ward failed to appear. (Susan Mozingo Ward was residing in Thomas Co., SW Georgia (later called Brooks Co.) & Pierce was in Alabama.) This decision was later overturned.

Note: it can only being hypothesized as to why certain Mozingo siblings attempted to exclude Pierce and Susan. Although there could have been some type of dispute, it�s probably more realistic that simply the siblings residing in N.C. thought it made sense that they should get the land, and not the others, Pierce and Susan, who by those day�s standards, were far outside the state (one in Alabama, one in Georgia).

7. 1842, Feb.7 ?? (Undated document of notation of petition and order to post notice of petition, filed in Wayne Co. folder). Ref. of attempt to exclude Pierce and Susan from the Sally Mozingo land by petitioners listed in #6 above. Acknowlegement by the Court that Pierce and Susan were out of state. Directive to post petition at the Court House door and to publish it in the Raleigh newspaper. Statement that commissioners will be appointed by the Court to divide the land between petitioners and defendants.
Note: Documents #6-11 were all filed in the same folder; some were dated, some were not.

Note: Date of Feb 7, 1842 assumed due to this date reference in Mar 8 as the date of the document of the order to divide the land.

8. 1842, Mar.7A subpoena to Nicholson Washington, Jno Everett, Bright Best & Kinchen Best & Janus Parker to appear in Court on the third Monday in May, 1842, concerning the partition of the land of Sally Mozingo, deceased.

9. 1842, Mar. 8 The division of the Sally Mozingo land amongst all listed siblings, petitioners and defendants in the land contestation. Stated as �in obedience to an order issued by the Court of Pleas... February 7 1842 to divide the land of Sally Mozingo deceased...�. This document contains the map of division and description of each division. This land totals 112 acres, and must have been the land that Sally bought from Shadrack Wooten in 1836.

10. 1842, May ??A short statement of the cost of the division of the land - total cost: $5.40! Document says "to May term 1842", probably a reference to where the final commissioner�s report on the land division is filed.

11. 1842, May 20A short notation on the recording of the commissioner�s report in the May term of 1842 (all of the petition and land division documents are probably then filed under this date...)

12. 1844, Feb. 20 Settlement of Estate of Sally Mozingo. Accounts by Richard Hinson run from 1842 through Feb. 20, 1844. Note that reference is made of a Dec. 6, 1841 payment of $56.20 by Lewis Ward . (Lewis�s and Susan�s son, Wm Henry, in his 20th c. CSA petition for pension says that he & his family arrived by wagon in Thomas Co., Ga. on Christmas Day, 1841! Could they get to Ga from NC by wagon in 19 days? Or was the latter date �family history� that had been passed down?) Note also that there is a May 18, 1843 receipt by a David G. Ward; his relationship to Lewis is currently unknown.[Note: The Farm has Wm H Ward's pension records saying the family arrived in GA in 1839 - needs to be checked. SMM]

Sources for Sarah* MOZINGO, "Sally":

  1. Family Records of John Richard Mozingo, Surname
  2. DAR Application of Melba Woodson,
  3. Wayne County North Carolina Estate Records - Sally Mozingo 1841,
  4. Wayne County North Carolina Deed Book 16 and 17,