Lodwick MONZINGO, son of Giles MONZINGO and Roseannah* (MATHEWS) , was born 18 December 1826 in Houston Co, GA. He died 31 December 1853 in Minden, Claiborne Pa, LA (Now Webster Pa). Sarah Mildred LEPSTROT was born bef. 1837. She died UNKNOWN.

Children of Lodwick MONZINGO and Sarah Mildred LEPSTROT are:
1. Ann Eliza MONZINGO, b. 29 March 1853 See Fleming D JOHNSTON & Ann Eliza MONZINGO

Other Marriages/Unions for Sarah Mildred LEPSTROT:
See Egbert BARNES & Sarah Mildred LEPSTROT

Notes for Lodwick MONZINGO:

Index - Vol. A, 1851-1855
Monzingo, Lodowick - Succession : 599

From the files of Shirley Erickson:

State of Louisiana ) In the name of God - Amen ----
Parish of Claiborne) I Lodwick Monzingo now on my bed with a
December 31st 1853 ) disease from which I may not recover Do make this my last and only Will and Testament
1st It is my wish and desire that all my estate both real and perishable After the payment of all my just debts - be equally divided between my Wife Sarah Mildred Lepstrot and my only child Ann Eliza Monzingo The part going to my wife I wish to be hers her natural life and to decend to her bodily heirs provided she should marry and have any. if however she should die without - any other heir or heirs save our only daughter Ann Eliza Monzingo It is my wish that - her part - with all of its increase should come back to Ann Eliza Monzingo our daughter her heirs and assigns in regular order.
2nd The part that belongs to Ann Eliza Monzingo our only child I wish to belong to her and her bodily heirs in regular order provided however she Ann Eliza Monzingo should die without - lawful heirs or before she arrives at mature age then and in that case I wish her part with all its prpoceeds to belong to my Brothers and Sisters and their bodily heirs in natural succession
3rd It is my will and desire that my father Giles Monzingo and my brother in law John S. Killing act as my lawful executors and supervise and negotiate all my business and take care of my wife and child
Given under my hand..
Turned over to be __________.
(Signed) D. Henry Dyer
Clk Dist. Court

State of Louisiana ) Be it remembered that on this the 11th
Parish of Claiborne)day of February A. D. 1854 Personally came and appeared before me Dickson Henry Dyer, Clerk of the District Court in and for the 17th Judicial District Court. of Claiborne Parish and State of Louisiana duly elected commissioner and sworn. Washington Allen, H. H. Purnell - Washington W. Barrington O. J. Butler and George Monzingo subscribing witnesses to the Last Will and Testament of Lodowick Monzingo Late of the Parish of Claiborne and State of Louisiana Decd. all annuciated in the Parish of Claiborn and State aforesaid for the purpose of acknowledging and proving the Last Will and Testament of the Said Lodowick Monzingo Decd the Said 11th day of February A. D. 1854 being the date fixed by me the Said Clerk of the District Court aforesaid for the purpose of probateing the Said last will and Testament of the Said Lodowick Monzingo decd. The parties in interest as heirs being notified that the said Will and Testament as aforesaid would be proven and probated on said day, that I the Said Clerk of the Said District Court then proceeded to probate the Said last Will and Testament, of Lodowick Monzingo, Decd in the precense of Washington Allen H.H. Purnell. Washington W. Barrington, O. J. Butler & George Monzingo withnesses to the last Will and Testament of Lodwick Monzingo Decd. and other persons present, and after having read the Said Will in an audible and distinct voice to the Said witnesses andother persons present. I caused the Said Washington Allen H. H. Purnell Washington W. Barrington. O. J. Butler. & George Monzingo the witnesses aforesaid to be duly sworn according to Law. Washington Allen deferred and Said that he recognizes the instrument presented to him purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Lodowick Monzingo marked "B" and endorsed on the back of the envellope thereof "Lodowick Monzingo's Last Will and Testament" and Sealed with five Seals which he has at this time under personal inspection as being the same that was written by H. H. Purnell by the dictation of Said Lodowick Monzingo Decd. who after the same had been read by H. H. Purnell one of the witnesses to the rest. of the witnesses and the Testator himself in an audible and distinct voice - declared it to be his last will and Testament. That he recognizes the Signatures of the Seven Subscribing witnesses to Said Instrument purporting to be the last will and Testament of Lodowick Monzingo Decd. To Wit H. H. Purnell, James B. Smith, J. D. Long, O. J. Butler Daniel Thomas Washington W. Barrington and George Monzingo as well as his own signature as a Subscribing witnesse and that of the Testator at the foot of the Said Last Will and Testamewnt and H. H. Purnell Washington W. Barrington O. J. Butler and George Monzingo deposes and Says under oath that They recognzie the instrument presented to them and purporting to be the lats will and Testament of Lodowick Monzingo and marked "B" and endorsed on the back of the envellope therof "Lodowich Monzingo's Last Will and Testament" and Sealed with five seales which they have at this time under personal inspection as being the Same that was written by H. H. Purnell in the presence of the Said Testator and by his dictation which after the Said Purnell the writer had read the Same in an audible and distinct voice to the rest of the witnesses and the Testator declared. it to be his last will and Testament that they also recognize the Signatures of each other and the Signatures of Washington Allen J. D. Long, and, James B. Smith as subcribing witnesses to Said instrument purporting to be the last will and Testament of the Said Lodowick Monzingo and that of the Testator at the part of the Said last will and Testament that I caused. the Said Washington Allen H. H. Prnell. Washington W. Barrington O. J. Butler & George Monzingo to subscribe their names to their Testimony as taken down by me. The Said Clerk of the said District Court, which is annexed to accompanies this process verball as the Law requires that I then proceeded to real Said will in an audible and distinct voice and to issue the order for executing recording and depicting the Said last Will and Testament after having signed at Ne Vanitum at the begining and end of each page as follows "By reason of the Law and by further reason of the Last Will and Testament of Lodowick Monzingo Decd having been duly Probated on the day and date above written to wit the 11th day of February A. D. 1854 by the affidavit of five of the subscribing witnesses to said Last will and Testament as the Law requires to wit Washington Allen. H. H. Purnell, Washington W. Barrington O. J. Butler & George Monzingo it is therefore ordered that Said last will & Testament be recorded and deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Distict Court in an for said Parish of Claiborne and State of Louisiand and that the execution of it allowed according to Law and that the Same be signed "Ne Vanidun" by the Clerk of the District Court of the parish and state aforesaid at the begining and end of each page.
Done and signed in the presence of the Subscribing witnesses competent on the day and date above written
(Signed) D. Henry Dyer
Clk. Dist. Court
J. D. Watkins
John. S. Killen

State of Louisiana ) Be it remembered that on this the 15th day Parish of Claiborne) of February A. D. 1854 - in pursuance of a commission from the Clerk of the District Court - in and for Said Parish and State - I. G. W. Harrison Recorder and Ex officia Notary Public in and for Said Parish and duly Elected Commissioner & sworn proceeded to the late Residence of Lodowick Monzingo, Deceased. in the Parish of Claiborne and State aforesaid for the purpose of makeing and takeing an Inventory and appraisement of the property and effects both real and personal belonging to the Estate of Lodowick Monzingo late of the Parish of Claiborne and State aforesaid deceased -- And having appointed Anderson Lipscomb and George Monzingo, good and Lawful freeholders of Said Parish of Claiborne - appraisers - to appraise Said property - who after being duly sworn according to law proceeded together with me Said Recorder and Ex officia Notary Public to make and take a true and Correct Inventory & appraisment of all the property belonging to said Estate and situated in the Parish of Claiborne and State aforesaid. Inventory made and taken as follows to wit on the day and date above written ---- Four hundred and Eighty one acres of Land more or less with the improvements thereon
appraised at $4.50 per acre $2165.50

One negro boy John about Ten years old
of Copper Colour appraised at 500.00

One negro boy Eli of Copper Colour aged
about Eight Yeares appraised at 550.00

One negro Man named Sam aged about
twenty two yeares of black complexion
appraised at 1200.00
One negro Girl named Rose Yellow
Complexion aged about fourteen
years appraised at 800.00

One negro Woman named Sophia aged
about thirty yeares of Copper
Colour appraised at 800.00

One negro Girl named Georgia of Black
Complexion aged about six yeares
appraised at 300.00

One negro Girl named Ann Martial aged
about two yeares of Black Complexion
appraised at 200.00

One old negro woman named Gracy of
Black Complexion appraised at 150.00

One negro man named Mack of Black
Complexion aged forty three yeares
appraised at 750.00

One negro man named Joe of Copper
Colour aged about fifty two yeares
appraised at 800.00

One negro Woman named Sabra of Copper
Colour aged about forty three yeares
appraised at 550.00

One negro Child named Milly aged about
fourteen months of Copper Colour
appraised at 175.00

Onenegro girl of Copper Colour named
Ann, aged about four yeares
appraised at 300.00

One negro boy named Warren of Copper
Colour aged about eight yeares
appraised at 600.00

One negro Boy named Hardy of Copper
Colour aged about six yeares
appraised at 550.00

Six hundred bushels of Corn more or
less appraised at one dollar per Cwt 40.00
One Yellow Mule appraised at 150.00
One Black Mule appraised at 130.00
One " Mule appraised at 130.00
One Bay horse appraised at 75.00
Sixty five head of hogs appraised at 130.00
Three cows & Calves appraised at 48.00
One cow & Calf appraised at 13.00
One Cow and Yearling appraised at 10.00
One heifer appraised at 8.00
One waggon and harness appraised at 75.00
Twenty five Bales of Cotton appraised
at $36.00 per Bale 900.00
One lot of farming tools appraised at 34.00
One lot of Carpenters tools appraised at 16.50
Forty one hundred lbs of pork appraised
at 4 cts per lb 164.00
One sythe & Cradle appraised at 3.00
One Lot of potatoes appraised at 12.50
One Ladies Saddle appraised at 4.00
One mans " " " 4.00
One pair of Saddle Bags appraised at 2.00
One Double Barreled Shot Gun appraised at 5.00
One Clock appraised at 12.00
One watch appraised at 8.00
One note on Andersson Lipscomb appraised 400.00
One note on Andersson Lipscomb appraised at 184.00
One note on Daneil Thomas appraised at 10.00
One note on C. B. Heflin appraised at 10.00
One " " E. B. Williams " " 10.00
One note on Alfred N. Scarber " " 5.00
One " " Jesse Hartman appraised at 25.00
One note on the Estate of T. Morrow Decd at 174.00
One account on Daniel Thomas appraised at 5.00
One account on Andersson Lipscomb at 27.92
The Amount of One hundred and seventy five
Dollars used by Sarah M. Lipstrott wife
of Lodowick Monzingo decd in the purchase of
a horse for which she acknowledges herself
responsible to Said succession 175.00
One Lot of Cooking Vessels appraised at 5.00
One Grind Stone appraised at 2.00
One lot of Cotton seed appraised at 25.00
Ten Bushels of peas 10.00
One safe appraised at 10.00
One Dining Table appraised at 2.00
One utility Table appraised at 2.00
One bed & Bed stead appraised at 50.00
One bed & Bedstead appraised at 35.00
One Small Bedstead & mattress appraised at 14.00
Eight Chairs appraised at 7.00
Two Looking Glasses appraised at 1.00
One Trunk appraised at 4.00
Two Do(?) appraised at 4.00
Fire Irons appraised at 2.00
One Shovel & Tonges appraised at .75
One Lot of Crockery ware appraised at
One lot knives forks & Spoons appraised at 2.00
One churn & Bucket appraised at 1.00
One coffee Pot & wash pan appraised at .50

Makeing in the whole $ 13890.21
Thirteen thousand Eight hundred and Ninety Dollars and twenty one cents and there being no other property belonging to Said Succession known or shown to us Said appraises and to me Said Recorder and Ex officio Notary Public this inventory is closed - Amounting to Thirteen Thousand Eight hundred and ninety Dollars and twenty on Cents as aforesaid in Testimony whereof I have caused Said Appraisers to sign their names hereunto in the presense of the subscribeing witnesses who are of Lawful age and Domiciled in Said Parish Parish and State who together with me the Said Recorder and Ex officio Notary Public and appraisers have Signed the Same on the day and Date first above written.
(Signed) A. Lipscomb George X Monzingo witnesses Gil
Monzingo (his name stuck out) Sarah J. Lipscomb John S. Killen J. W. Harrison
Recorder & Ex officio Notary Public-------------

State of Louisiana )
Parish of Claiborne) I hereby Certify the above and foregoing four pages hereto annexed is a true and Correct Copy of the original inventory of the property and Effects belonging to the Succession of Lodowick Monzingo Dec. as appears on file & of Record in my office and I further Certify that all the Said property = was decreed by order of the District Court of the Parish of Claiborne State of Louisiana at the = November Term thereof A. D. 1854 - to be community property belonging to Said Succession Except - what is herein after mentioned to wit == Rose - a negro girl aged about fourteen years -- Sophia - Georgia, Anne Martial, Gracy - Mack. Joe, Safra, Mily - and Warren and Hardy - and one feather bed and bedding in kind---
Given under my hand and seal of office this the 28th day of November A. D. 1854.
(Signed) D. Henry Dyer
Clk Dist Court

Sources for Lodwick MONZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Doug Monzingo, date, date of birth and death
  2. Bureau of Land Management - General Land Office Records,
  3. Claiborne Parish Probate Records Index. 1851-1855,

Notes for Sarah Mildred LEPSTROT:

Sources for Sarah Mildred LEPSTROT:

  1. Family Records of Shirley Erickson, See Transcribed Will and probate records.
  2. Calculation of date of birth, 1853 birth of child - minimum 16 yrs