Henry MOZINGO, son of Joseph* MOZINGO and Mary CLEMONS , was born 18 December 1809 in Bourbon Co, KY. He married Elizabeth Robinson PEMBERTON 12 May 1836 in Decatur Co, IN. He died 11 March 1888 in Greensburg, Decatur Co, IN. Elizabeth Robinson PEMBERTON was born 27 October 1817 in Lincoln Co, KY. She died 09 February 1894 in Near Mt Pleasant, IN.

Children of Henry MOZINGO and Elizabeth Robinson PEMBERTON are:
1. Patsy Jane MOZINGO, b. 04 April 1837
2. Thomas Marion MOZINGO, b. 03 July 1838 See Thomas Marion MOZINGO & Annie Eliza WHEAT
3. Mary Elizabeth MOZINGO, b. 11 June 1840 See William Smith RILEY & Mary Elizabeth MOZINGO
4. John Franklin MOZINGO, b. 28 November 1841 See John Franklin MOZINGO & Rachel Emeline JAMES
5. James Henry MOZINGO, b. 19 December 1842 See James Henry MOZINGO, "Polk" & Lydia Jane CASTLEDINE
6. Harriet Melvina MOZINGO, b. 26 May 1844
7. Frances Ann MOZINGO, b. 15 September 1845
8. Sarah Ellen MOZINGO, b. 26 June 1847
9. Eliza M MOZINGO, b. bet. 1848 and 1851 See James R CLEMMONS & Eliza M MOZINGO
10. Rebecca A MOZINGO, b. 06 January 1849
11. Amanda Ellen MOZINGO, b. 13 January 1852
12. Nancy Marie MOZINGO, b. 30 November 1853 See Alexander G TREMAIN & Nancy Marie MOZINGO
13. Missouri Ettna MOZINGO, b. 11 December 1855 See Allen BEAGLE & Missouri Ettna MOZINGO
14. Jeannettia Tipton MOZINGO, b. 12 March 1859 See Jacob Meyer EVANS & Jeannettia Tipton MOZINGO
15. Clara Belle MOZINGO, b. 24 January 1862 See William Winfield MARLOWE & Clara Belle MOZINGO

Notes for Henry MOZINGO:

1840 Decatur, IN, p 198, Mosingo, Henry, (Last on page), 10001-10001,Males: 1->under 5, 1->20-30; Females: 1->under 5, 1->20-30; Total 4.

1850 Decatur, IN, Marion Twp, p 100a
MAZINGO, Henry, 42, Ky
Elizabeth, 32, Ky
Thomas M, 12, Ind
Mary E, 10, Ind
John F, 7, Ind
James H, 6, Ind
Harriet M, 5, Ind
Frances A, 4, Ind
Rebecca A, 1, Ind
Eliza M, 1/12, Ind
Mary, 70, Va

1860 Decatur, IN, Marion, p 801 Roll: M653_253
Henry Margonge 50, KY
Elizabeth R, 42, KY
Thomas M, 22, IN
Mary E, 19, IN
John, 18, IN
James H, 17, IN
Harriet, 15, IN
Francis A, 14, IN
Rebecca, 11, IN
Eliza M,10, IN
Nancy, 6, IN
Mifsurri, 4, IN
Jennetta T, 1, IN
Smith Riley, 22, IN
George Rellen, 18, IN
Benjamin Martin, 24, KY
Thos Pemberton, 27, IN

1870 Decatur, IN, p 197 Series: M593 Roll: 308
Mozingo, Henry, 59, KY
Elizabeth, 52, KY
Thomas, 32, IN
Nancy, 17, IN
Marina, 15, IN
Jeanetta, 12, IN
Carrie, 9, IN
Mary, 90, VA
Pemberton, Thomas, 38, IN
Falconbury, Wm, 15, IN
Clark, James, 45, IN
Juda, Wm, 27, KY
Harvest, Henry, 25, IN

1880 Decatur, IN, Washington, p 449B
MOZINGO, Henry, Self, 70 KY, VA, VA
Elizibeth, Wife, 61 KY, KY, KY
Nancy, Dau, 26 IN, KY, KY
Bell, Dau,18 IN, KY, KY
OVANS, Jacob, SonL, 31 KY, KY, KY
Jennette, Dau, 21 IN, KY, KY
Cora, GDau, 1 IN, KY, IN
PEMBERTON, Thomas, Other, 44 KY, KY, KY

Obit: Henry Mozingo Greensburg Standard Mar. 16, 1888
Obit: Henry Mozingo The Saturday Review Mar. 17, 1888

From files of Belinda Carrol:
Henry Mozingo walked to Decatur County in 1832; he entered land four miles south of Greensburg. He built a log cabin, then he returned to Kentucky. In the spring of 1833, he brought his family to Decatur County. He had 15 children of his own and even helped raise his daughter's (Jeannettia's) four children. During his life, Henry accumulated quite a large estate. In 1864, he had a very valuable farm one mile west of Greensburg, but through overconfidence and believing all men honest, he endorsed for men who were not--and by this endorsement, he lost of his hard-worked-for earnings--about $18,000, but enough was left to settle all claims.

From Chris Buchanan Nov 3, 2004
Henry Mozingo

Henry Mozingo was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky on December 18, 1809 , and died on Sunday , March 11th , 1888, aged seventy nine years two months and twenty four days, after an illness begun by blood poisoning and devoloping into pneumonia and kidney trouble.

He came to decatur county in 1832, while it was almost a wilderness, and worked for John Hillis on the farm now owned by Alexander Hillis. In the fall of 1832 he returned to Kentucky , but came back in the
following spring and located permanently in the same locality where he first labored.

On May 12th, 1836 . He married to Miss Elizabeth R. Pemberton, (great-grandmother of Jeannette Boring Wo??? daughter of Thomas C. Pemberton . Through the energies of his own mind and body and by the assistance of his good wife. Mr. Mozingo succeeded in few years time in accummulating a considerable estate and in 1864 owned a large and very valuable farm of which the Cole farm, one mile southwest of this city of Greensburg, Indiana. was a part. Beleiving all men's papers as security and by this means lost $18,000 , but satisfied all claims.

At present his family, besides his widow, consists of two sons and seven daughters , all married; Seven children have proceeded him to the land beyond the grave. John Mozingo, the last one, having died in Kansas but a few months since.

The deceesed joined the Baptist Church under ministry of uncle of his wife. Rev. Matthew Elder, about 1850 and was a faithful member of that congregation until its dissolution a few years ago, when he and
his wife transferred their letter to Mt. Pleasant. M. E. Church.

The funeral services were held at the house, at ten o' clock last Tuesday morning, and were conducted by Rev. J. A. Kirkpatrick. The remains were laid to rest in Sandcreek Cemetr. Attended by a large
concourse of sorrow relatives and friends.

Mr. Mozingo's death removes another one of our pioneers from us and deprives us of an honest, honored Christian man. For fifty- three years he has been a reader of the STANDARD and our relations have been mutually pleasant. After a long and eventful life he sleeps well. May he wake to love and peace and receive his reward of life everlasting.

Copied from a newspaper clipping. Leta Rose (Marlowe) Rowland.

Sources for Henry MOZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Belinda Carrol, Birth, Death info, and family
  2. Decatur County Indiana Cemeteries, p 49
  3. Kentucky Tax List Harrison County 1809 - 1833,

Notes for Elizabeth Robinson PEMBERTON:

From files of Belinda Carrol:
Elizabeth came to America with her parents as a small child. She died of tuberculosis at the home of her son-in-law Jacob Evans, within two miles of her home.

Obit: Eliza Mozingo Greensburg New Era Feb. 14, 1894
Obit: Elizabeth J Mozingo Greensburg New Era Feb. 21, 1894
Obit: Elizabeth Temberton Mozingo Greensburg Standard Feb. 16, 1894

From Chris Buchanan Nov 3, 2004
Another Pioneer Passes Away
Elizabeth Robinson Pemberton was born in Lincoln County ,Kentucky
October 27, 1817 , and died at the residence of her son in law, J. M.
Evans, near Mt. Pleasant, Febuary 9, 1894. In the year 1823 she came
with her father, Thomas C. Pemberton, to Decatur County, Indiana,
where she lived since lived within two miles of the place where they
first settled. She was married to Henry Mozingo on May 12, 1836.
He proceeded her to the spirit land about six years ago . to this
union Fifteen children were born, only eight of whom are now living.
In early life she united with the baptist church, in the old church
on the hill 2-3/4 miles south of Greensburg. The Church was at time
on her fathers farm. In that Church her uncle,Mathew Elder, preached
for many years. Some seven years ago when the church of thus during
over sixty years she has been a consisntant Christian,
letting her Christian influence be felt in her family. Grandma as she
was called by all who knew her, was appreciated most by those who
knew her best. Her funeral was conducted by Rev. W.C. Watkins at Mt.
Pleasant M.E. Church, Feb. 11, 1894, and her remains were interred in
sandcreek Cemetery, where all her near and dear departed relatives
have been laid to rest. The esteem in Which she was held couild
plainly beeseen by the large attendance of relatives, neighbors and
friends who gathered to witness the last sad scene on earth of a dear
loved one. w.

Note: this newspaper clipping used Temberton instead of Pemberton.
Leta rose( Marlowe) Rowland

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [MOZINGO] decatur county files from library i typed
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 02:26:46 -0000
From: chris buchanan
the following is what i typed from the files in the library in greensburg. some are letters and some are obits. chris

On October 27, 1893 being the 76th anniversary at the birth of Mrs.
Henry Mozingo, of Greensburg, Ind. Who is here on a visit and the
67th anniversary of Mrs. Thomas Clemons , early in the morning many
guest were seen wending their way to the Clemons homestead, nearnear
Colemansville, Ky, to do honor on the occasion. Among the number were
W.T. Martin and wife of Greensburg ,Ind. Capt. Mosingo and wife ,
C.P. Wheat of Corineth, Ky. . Mrs. Robinson of Boyds Ky. and the
children of Mrs. Clemons-W.H. Clemons, Mrs. Blackburn, of
Falmouth,Ky. and Mrs. Collier of Colmansville Ky. You may be sure
that all enjoyed the day in their amusements and old stories of by-
gone days. The Fattted Southdown lamb was killed, besides several
Shanghi Turkeys or chickens, the writer failed to learn which, as he
was so busily engaged with eating of other good things.The day will
long be remembered by those who were so lucky as to be present. Part
of the guests remained over night, and the others returned to their
homes wishing the old ones many such occasions.
Mrs.W.T. Martin of Greensburg Indiana and Mrs. Mozingo , who have
been visiting relatives and friends here for some time, have very
much improved to health since their sojourn here. but W. T. Martin
says he is not feeling so well, he having had several collisions-
coming in contact with so many loaded tables and some of old Kentucky
Democracy, which reminds him of old war days when Kirby Smith was in
the country , when the skeedaddlers would find a large basketfuls of
eatables in some thicket and look over in the road near by would see
Kirby Smith's men.
Hurrah for McKinley!

Sources for Elizabeth Robinson PEMBERTON:

  1. Decatur County Indiana Cemeteries, p 49

Notes for Patsy Jane MOZINGO:

Sources for Patsy Jane MOZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Belinda Carrol, Birth and Death Info

Notes for Harriet Melvina MOZINGO:

Sources for Harriet Melvina MOZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Belinda Carrol, Birth and Death
  2. Decatur County Indiana Cemeteries, p 49

Notes for Frances Ann MOZINGO:

Sources for Frances Ann MOZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Belinda Carrol, Birth and Death
  2. Decatur County Indiana Cemeteries, p 79

Notes for Sarah Ellen MOZINGO:

1850 Mortality Sch Decatur, IN, p 265, Sarah E Mazingo

Sources for Sarah Ellen MOZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Belinda Carrol, Birth and Death
  2. Decatur County Indiana Cemeteries, p 79

Notes for Rebecca A MOZINGO:

Sources for Rebecca A MOZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Belinda Carrol, Birth info
  2. Decatur County Indiana Cemeteries, p 79

Notes for Amanda Ellen MOZINGO:

Sources for Amanda Ellen MOZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Belinda Carrol, Birth and death
  2. Decatur County Indiana Cemeteries, p 79