Top Tens...

Ten Things You'll NEVER Hear Kevvy Say...

10) "People keep telling me to speak more slowly and clearly, what's with that?"

9) "Brian's not my cousin."

8) "Man, I'm SO tired of singing. Do I have to sing EVERYTHING?!"

7) "Wow Nick, you're just SO wise."

6) "Talk Nicky, talk! I love to hear you talk."

5) "Long hair is for girls."

4) "I really admire N*Sync's originality."

3) "You wouldn't catch me in a skirt."

2) "Yay, McDonalds!"

1) "I'm a red hot lurve machine." (But I'd pay serious money to hear him say that!)

Things Bri Bear Would NEVER Say...

10) "No, I refuse to say hello."

9) "Those little dogs suck. I just keep losing 'em all the time!"

8) "Nick who?"

7) "I HATE basketball."

6) "Lou's great."

5) "I'm into kinky sex. Handcuffs, whipped cream... the whole whack."

4) "Cheese makes me ill."

3) "I'm really from New York."

2) "I really need to stop talking so damn much."

1) "The Bible? Is that a movie?"

Things You'll Probably NEVER Hear AJ Say...

10) "Oh man! Not McDonalds again!"

9) "Dying your hair can have a severe effect on your health so I'm never gonna risk it."

8) "Tattoos are really trashy actually."

7) "Does my butt look big in this?"

6) "I never get to scream any more."

5) "Wow, I got voted Best Dressed Male by GQ."

4) "I'm tee-total. Always have been."

3) "I'd never wear women's underwear so don't even ask."

2) "I can't flirt to save my life."

1) "From now on I will only answer to B Diddy."

Things You'll NEVER Hear Nicky Say...

10) "I seriously SUCK at Nintendo."

9) "A Twinkie? No thanks."

8) "I'm such a whiner."

7) "You're SO right Kev."

6) "I will not wind Howie up."

5) "Brian stop bugging me with that b-ball. I don't want to play!"

4) "Yes, I have a girlfriend."

3) "Journey? Who the hell are they?"

2) "I'm really into Celine Dion."

1) "War And Peace is the most amazing book. It's such a great analogy of...."

Things You'll NEVER Hear Sweet D Say...

10) "How we got together? Geez, I don't know."

9) "Stop asking me stuff!"

8) "I'm so tired of having to sing everything."

7) "My parents keep following me around... It's so annoying."

6) "I'm gonna shave my hair off! I don't care."

5) "I hate Vegas y'know."

4) "Women's pants? Great!"

3) "The gym? No thanks."

2) "They call me Sour D for a reason ya know."

1) "I had to stop eating spicy stuff after I knocked AJ over with a gas expulsion."

Things To Keep Nick Busy
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