Top Ten Things To Keep Nick Carter Busy...

As contributed by Sandy - you rock girl!

10) Give him a Tootsie Pop. The mission here is for Nicky to find out how many licks it takes to get into the center and TOTALLY expose the center of the tootsie pop.

9) Have him take a geography test.

8) Ask him who's buried in Grant's Tomb...and watch him think.

7) Tell him to go flush the toilet and count how many times the water swirls before it totaly disapears.

6) Ask him the difference between Resign and Reside.

5) Tell him in a hushed whisper... "Look I dont wanna make ya worry or nuthin' but, rumor has it, there's a mad shortage of candy around the world." Watch him flee to go stock up.

4) Have him describe the other guys without usin the words "Dildo" or "Dumbass".

3) Spend the day having him alphabetize his CDs. Make him do it over and over till he finally takes and puts Journey under J and not A for A Group Called Journey.

2) Ask him what color the White House is...and watch him actually think about the answer.

1) Lean over and whisper that you heard in a N64 chatroom that if ya sit and play DOOM for 10 straight hours without stopping that a secret level opens up.

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