How large is your
following? How many people have bought your most
recent CD? How much press has your music received?
How many shows did you play last year? How many
people visit your website each day? All of these
questions figure into the Buzz Factor.
Labels will hear about you in a smaller market if you've effectively created
a buzz. Suppose you play constantly throughout the
Midlands and areas outside your local market. Suppose
that with each stop and each new city you sell a lot
of copies of your new CD, and even better, you build
a loyal fan-base in those cities that will continue
to come to your shows and buy your new releases with
each and every visit you make there. Labels will take
note of this fast. They're not stupid. They'll want a
piece of that action and if you've created a buzz
like this to tip them off (A&R scouts reside in a
number of major markets - and some small ones, too -
and they do hear about what's going on locally),
they'll start coming to your shows with contracts in
hand. Guaranteed.
So, send your CD to local and national press for
review and stick the positive reviews in your
visually-appealing press kit. Book as many shows as
you can outside your local market and build a strong
fan-base. You'll be suprised at who starts calling
you back and who shows up at your gigs.