Chapter Four

(Two weeks later-Reese’s b-day party)

“Happy birthday Reese!” Anna exclaimed, giving Reese a hug.

“Thanks Anna.” Anna’s face went pale when she saw Ryan. Reese looked at her friend, concerned, as he walked toward the pair.

“You must be Reese. I’m Ryan.” Reese shook Ryan’s hand while looking at her friend.

“Hey Anna.” Ryan said casually, almost offhand.

“Hi Ryan.” Anna probably would have been okay aroound, had THE song not come on. When You Say Nothing At All happened to be the next slow song. Damn the DJ for playing this song. Ryan looked at her, she looked at him. Anna could see the hurt on his face that must have mirrored her own. It was too much for Anna to take and she fled from the room. Once in the bathroom, she let the tears fall.

“I am over him.” Anna kept repeating to herself. “It’s just the song that’s getting to me.” She splashed her face with cool water and headed back out to the party.

“Are you okay?” Reese asked. Anna nodded. Reese left and for the whole party, Reese and Ryan were by each other’s sides. Anna confronted Reese later that night.

“So you and Ryan hit it off pretty well.” Reese actually blushed.

“Um--well--he--he’s a nice guy.” Reese stammered. Anna forced herself to control her emotions. After all, she was an actress.

“So you guys are friends?” Anna asked, keeping her voice calm and level.

“Just friends Ann. Just friends.” Anna nodded, knowing they were probably more.

“Good to know.”


(1 year later)

“I’m sorry Anna.” Reese yelled as Anna slapped a bundle of letters down on the table.

“You lied to me. You knew how much I still loved him and you went and seduced him behind my back. Some best friend you are.” Anna yelled. Reese sobbed as Anna stormed out of the house. While checking the mail one day, Anna had spotted a letter from Reese. Against her better judgement, she had read it. And it broke her heart in two.

“Some best friend she is.” Anna muttered, walking out to her car. She froze when she saw Ryan walking up the driveway. Ryan stopped in front of her.

“Hey Ann.” Ryan said, looking down at the smooth driveway.

“Don’t ‘hey’ me. I know what you’ve been doing. Freak out on me then seduce my best friend.” Ryan’s head snapped up.

“We broke up Anna. I moved on. I’m sorry it had to be with your best friend.” Anna let out a bitter laugh.

“You’re sorry? God you’re such a bastard! I cannot believe I fell in love with you.” Anna stormed down to her car and threw open the door. She climbed in and angrily started the car. The tires squealed as she peeled out of the driveway, leaving Ryan behind.


(3 weeks later)

“Do you want to do Cruel Intentions or not?” Michelle asked. Anna sighed.

“It sounds like a good movie so I’ll do it.” Michelle nodded and lid some papers toward her.

“You’ll have to dye your hair brown though.” Anna nodded.

“I guess that’s okay. Here.” Anna slid the papers back toward Michelle.

“Here’s the script.” Michelle said, handing it to her, then left.

“I hope this goes okay.” Anna said out loud. Her movies were all she had left.


(Three weeks later-Rehersal)

Anna confidently walked into Studio 15, expecting to see a cast, not her ex-boyfriend and best friend.

“What are you guys doing here?” She asked, icily. Ryan gave her a tired look.

“I’m playing Sebastion and Reese is playing Annette.” Anna laughed, but it was not a happy sound.

“She gets you in the movie and in real life too.” Anna said bitterly.

“You act like we’ve comitted some type of crime Anna. You two were broken up so he wasn’t cheating on you and besides, you look pretty happy with Chris O’Donnell.” Reese retorted.

“I can’t believe you were ever my best friend! You’re nothign but a lying, backstabbing whore!” Reese flinched and the director came in. He seemed oblivious to the fact that Anna was pissed and Reese was on the verge of tears. They ran through part of a scene:

Sebastion: I didn’t know it was asshole day at the Valmont house!

Kathrine: Just taking the poor girl under my wing. The parental units called while you were out.

Sebastion: Lovely. How is your gold digging whore of a mother enjoying Bali?

Kathrine: She suspects that your impotent, alcoholic father is diddling the maid.

Sebastion: Good.

They stopped for a minute then continued at the end of the scene.

Kathrine: I know how to alleviate menstrual cramps thank you.

Sebastion: Shut up and turn to page 46.

Kathrine: “Why I plan to wait” By Annette Hargrove, Kansas City, Kansas. Jesus Christ, is she for real?

Sebastion: Oh she’s daddy’s little angel. A paradime of chasity and virtue. Let’s see. Boring, boring, boring. I love my parents. Boring, boring, boring. Making a mature decision. Ah here! She has a boyfriend named Trevor. Been going out for a year. Trevor understands.

Kathrine: Trevor’s a fag. Too bad for you she lives in Kansas.

Sebastion: Au contraire. The virgin’s father has taken the new headmaster’s position at our school. She’s staying with my aunt on the island while her parents sell the house. Can you imagine what this will do for my reputation? Screwing the new headmaster’s daughter before school starts. She’ll be my greatest victory.

Kathrine: You don’t stand a chance. Even this is out fo your league.

Sebastion: Care to make a wager on that?

Kathrine: I’ll think about it.

Sebastion: Oh well. Duty calls. Dr. Greenbaum and her daughter should make for an interesting entry.

Kathrine: Oh gee, your journal. Could you be more queer?

Sebastion: Could you be more desperate to read it?

Kathrine: Oh Sebastion? About that little wager of yours, count me in.

Sebastion: On what terms?

Kathrine: If I win, I get that hot little car of yours.

Sebastion: And if I win?

Kathrine: I’ll give you what you’ve been obsessing about ever since our parents got married.

Sebastion: Be more specific.

Kathrine: In English, I’ll fuck your brains out.

Sebastion: What makes think that I would go for something like that? That’s a 1956 Jaguar Roadster.

Kathrine: Because I’m the only one you can’t have and it kills you.

Sebastion: No way.

Kathrine: You can put it anywhere.

Sebastion: You’ve got yourself a bet baby.

Kathrine: Happy hunting Sebastion.

As they finished the scene, Anna fixed Ryan with an icy glare.

“God Anna. Get over it!” Reese snapped and stormed off the set. Anna sighed. She had some long months ahead of her.


(Two weeks later)

Two weks into shooting the movie, Anna went to a party with Chris O’Donnell. He wasn’t Ryan but he was still a good date.

“So how’s your movie going?” Chris yelled over the rock music.

“Good.” Anna yelled back. Anna spotted Ryan and pulled Chris against her body so she could kiss him. After a couple of minutes, Anna pulled away. She smiled when she saw the look of pain of Ryan’s face.

“Serves you right.” Anna mumbled.

“What did you say?” Anna looked at Chris, putting on a confused look.

“I didn’t say anything.” Anna said innocently. Chris shrugged and Anna looked toward Ryan. He was still looking at her, the same pained look on his face.

“Anna, what’s up between you and Ryan? You haven’t taken your eyes off him all night and he’s been ignoring Reese.” Anna looked down at the floor.

“I’m sorry Chris. I still have feelings for Ryan.” Chris smiled sadly.

“That’s too bad Anna, We could have had something special.” Anna nodded and Chris kissed her on the cheek. Anna sat down on a couch and rested her head on her hands. Next to her, the couch dipped and Anna raised her head. Ryan sat next to her.

“Are you okay?” Anna nodded. Ryan motioned toward the door.

“Want to go somewhere and talk?” Again, Anna nodded. She followed Ryan to an empty room where they sat down.

“What’s up with you and Chris?” Anna looked down at the ground.

“Too many differences I guess.” Ryan looked Anna straight in the eye.

“You’re lying Anna.” Ryan said softly. Tears welled up in Anna’s blue eyes.

“You could always tell when I was lying.” Anna said, fighting against the torrent of tears threatening to overflow.

“So tell me what’s wrong.”

“I’m not over you Ryan.” She turned to face him. “Is that what you wanted to hear? We broke up because I am still pathetically hung up on you.”

“Anna--” Anna abruptly stood up.

“You’re over me. I know that. I’ll live. Never mind the fact that I loved you with all my heart. Never mind the fact that you were my first. Never mind the fact that your foolish insecurities are what messed up our relationship. And never mind the fact that you broke my heart into a million pieces and then started dating my best friend.” At the end of her speech, Anna’s cheeks were streaked with tears.

“Never mind the fact that I’m still in love with you.” Anna said softly. She got up and left, leaving the pieces of her broken heart behind.

Chapter Five
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