Josh unlocked the door to his apartment and threw his keys down on the table. David was sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine.

"I have a surprise for you." David said, still looking through the magazine. Josh sighed.

"Please tell me it's legal." Josh said sitting down on the couch. David laughed.

"I assure you, it's legal. Kat, come on out." Josh turned as Kat walked out of the kitchen. Josh's jaw practically dropped to the floor.

"Hey Josh." Kat said smugly, sitting down next to David. Josh swallowed heavily.

"You look great Kat." Kat smiled.

"Thank you." Josh nodded.

"Auditions are tomorrow. I hope you get a part."

"You make it sound like I can't get a part." Kat said, glaring at Josh. Josh sighed.

"That's not what I meant. There'll be lots of women auditioning for the part of Evelyn. I was wishing you good luck." Kat looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions but you have been extremely rude to me since you met me." Josh leaned forward in his seat.

"I'm going to be completely honest here Kat. When I first met you, you had some hygiene problems. Looks shouldn't have been so important to me but in this buisness, it matters." Kat crossed her arms over her chest.

"It had nothing to do with my hygiene. It's called lack of self confidence. You couldn't possibly know what that's like." Josh nodded.

"You're right. I don't know what that's like. But it wasn't all lack of self confidence. You could have looked like this even without David's help."

"You know what Josh? Screw you."


"Who's next for Evelyn?" Jerry Bruckheimer asked. His assistant scanned the list of hopeful actresses.

"Katarina Ellers." Jerry nodded.

"Bring her in." Kat timidly stepped into the room.

"Hello Katarina. My name is Jerry Bruckheimer. It's a pleasure to meet you." Kat shook Jerry's hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Please call me Kat." Jerry nodded.

"Okay Kat. Please begin whenever you're ready." Kat cleared her thoart and read her scene. Jerry worked to hide his surprise. He had not seen such raw talent in twenty or so years.

"Thank you Kat. We'll be in touch." He jotted a note down on his legal pad:*Evelyn:Katarina Ellers


Kat had barely made it into the apartment when her phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered breathlessly.

"Ms. Ellers?"

"This is she."

"This is Mickey Yoder. I'm Jerry Bruckheimer's assistant. I'm calling to inform you that you've been cast as Evelyn." Kat grinned wildly. "You'll need to come to the stuio and pick up your script and work schedule."

"I'll be there this afternoon." Kat drove to the studio, picked up her script and schedule, and drove over to David and Josh's apartment. When David opened the door, Kat threw her arms around his neck.

"I GOT THE PART!" Kat screamed. David grinned.

"I knew you could do it." David said, letting Kat into the apartment.

"Hey Kat." Josh said when Kat entered the apartment. She nodded then sat down on the couch.

"Who else got parts? You got a cast list didn't you?" Kat nodded and pulled it out.

"Rafe McCawley:Ben Affleck, Danny Walker:Josh Hartnett." Kat paused. Josh will be acting with me,Kat thought.

"I'm playing Evelyn. General Doolittle:Alec Baldwin, Dorie Miller:Cuba Gooding Jr. and FDR will be played by Jon Voight." David nodded.

"Cool. I'm happy for you Kat." Kat smiled, then grew serious.

"Thank you David. For everything. I couldn't have done it without you."

"It was no problem Kat. You deserve this." David looked down at the ground. "You deserve the world."


(4 months later)

Over the next four months, Josh worked intimatly with kat. And the more Josh worked with her, the more he came to notice her in a different light. Doing kissing, even a lovemaking scene, made Josh more attracted to Kat each day.

"Action!" Michael Bay yelled.

"You know the only thing I'm scared of is that you might love him more than you love me." Josh recited.

"I love you Danny. And when you come back, I'll be here waiting for you."

"Cut. Great kiss guys. That's a wrap for today."

"Great job Kat." David said. Josh walked over to him.

"Want to know something Josh?" Josh raised one eyebrow in question. "I think I'm falling for her." Josh's eyes widened.

"Great. Just great." David looked puzzeled.

"Come again?"

"I'm falling for her David." David laughed.

"Are you serious?" Josh shot him a dirty look. Kat walked over to the two men.

"Is he serious about what?" David smiled.

"Both of us are falling for you."

Chapter Four
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