Chapter Four

(One week later)

Kat should have know who to pick with out even thinking. But kat always had to think things through. When thought about, not even throughly, David was the obvious choice. Josh only took the time to get to know her after the make-over. Being a movie star wouldn't have been possible without David.

"I know what I have to do." Kat said aloud.


(Two months later)

Kat and David were Hollywood's premiere couple as Pearl harbor wrapped up and Kat was now a rising star.

"Why David? What has David got that I haven't got?" Josh exclaimed. Kat glared at him.

"He made me into who I am today. He believed in my ability to act and he looked past what he saw on the outside. In short, he's a better man than you'll ever be." Josh's mouth dropped open.

"He's going to break your heart." Josh said. "He never stays with anybody for more than two or three months." Kat laughed.

"Can we say jealous?" Josh rolled his eyes.

"Can we say gulliable?" Josh said, imitating her valley girl tone. Kat walked out without another word.


Kat actually took Josh's words to heart and it made her wonder. Her and David had been going out for two and half months.

"He's just jealous." Kat said outloud. And she believed it until David started changing. It had started when kat wanted to wear a daring dress to the Academy Awards. Vera Wang designed the dress, which was cut all the way down to Kat's navel. David was not happy.

"What do you think of my dress?" Kat said, modeling the expensive dress. David looked up from his magazine.

"You look like a whore." David stated simply. Kat was shocked.

"Excuse me?" David sighed.

"There is no way my girlfriend is going out in that skanky wanna be piece of clothing."

"Who are you to be telling me what I can and cannot wear? You're my boyfriend not my father." David stood up and Kat put her hands on her hips.

"You're my girlfriend and I don't want to be seen with someone dressed like a whore. Find another dress." Kat numbly looked through her collection of formal gowns and picked a new dress. Why was David acting different? And, was there the possibility that Josh was right?


"What do you think you're doing?" David yelled. Kat involintarily drew back.

"I'm talking to one of my friends. Do you have a problem with that too?" David was more surprised than Kat when his palm cracked against her cheek.

"Yeah I do have a problem with it. It's not just any guy. It's Josh, who would be more than happy to get into your pants." David stalked off and Kat sat down, her posture defeated.

"You were right Josh. He turned into this manipulative egotistical jerk." Kat said softly. Josh looked down at the ground.

"He had good intentions in the begining." Josh said. "Kat?" Kat looked at him.

"Yeah?" Josh swallowed heavily.

"I know we didn't hit it off in the begining. I was a total jerk and I'm sorry." Kat nodded.

"It's okay Josh."

" I had no right to be so rude especially since I didn't know you. And now that I do-" Josh looked at Kat. "I think I'm falling in love with you." A single tear slipped down Kat's cheek.

"You know, when I was little, I always dreamed about this wonderful guy who would sweep me off my feet and love me for me. We would be so in love that we would never want to look at anyone else. I never found my perfect guy-" Kat smiled through her tears. "Until now." Kat got up to leave. "And I think I'm in love with you."


Kat walked into David's apartment and slammed the door.

"We're through." David looked up from his newspaper.

"Good. You were starting to bore me anyway."

"God, you're such a bastard! All I wanted was to be loved by somebody. Obviously, you have your head too far up your ASS to love anybody." Kat walked out the door and into the busy streets of LA.

"I should have done that a long time ago."


"I'm desperate for changing, starving for truth, I'm closer to where I started. I'm chasing after you." Kat sang as she drove to Studio 16 in Pasadena. Josh would be there rehersing lines for his new movie 40 Days and 40 Nights. Kat pulled into the parking lot and glanced around for a spot.

"God! This is more packed than a group of teenagers trying to grope Justin Timberlake!" Kat said, pounding her fist on the steering wheel. After driving around for twenty minutes, she finally found a space. Of course, Kat chose today to wear her powder blue platforms, and she had a long way to walk. Kat walked into the studio and down the hallway until she came to Set 13. She cautiously opened the door. All eyes were on her as she stepped into the room. Kat scanned the room, loking for Josh. When her eyes locked on her target, she couldn't help but smile. And Kat's heart soared as his face lit up when he spotted her.

"What are you doing here?" Josh asked, walking over to Kat.

"I came to see the man I love." Kat replied. Josh cautiously stepped forward and softly pressed his lips to hers. Groaning softly, Kat deepened the kiss and Josh's tongue searched for hers. And it was there, on Set 13, that a new, unstoppable love began.

Chapter Five
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