Chapter Five

(Two Years Later)

"And the Academy Award for Best Actress goes to...Katarina Ellers for her performance in the movie Pearl Harbor." Everyone in the audience was clapping wildly as Kat walked up on stage and accpeted her award.

"Wow." Kat said. "I don't know what to say. Three years ago, I was watching this show on tv and now, I'm standing here accepting an award. I'd like to thank Jerry Bruckheimer, Michael bay, and the rest of the Pearl Harbor cast. I also want to thank my wonderful boyfriend Josh, for standing by me. I love you baby." After the award show, Kat was ecstatic.

"I WON!" Kat screamed. Josh laughed.

"You deserved it baby." Kat started laughing so hard, she was clutching her stomach.

"I can't believe I won! This has got to be the best night of my life."

"You deserve this Kat. This and so much more." Kat smiled.

" I have everything I could ever want Josh." She paused. "I'm finally happy." Josh smiled tenderly.

"Let me make your night even better." Josh said, pouring some wine.

"It couldn't get any better than this." Josh pulled out a small box and Kat's eyes widened.

"Will you marry me?" Kat put a hand up to her open mouth in shock.

"Yes." Kat said, smiling widely. "Yes, I'll marry you."

"Did I make your night better?" Josh asked, his brown eyes twinkling. Kat laughed.

"I didn't think it was possible but you did." Kat paused. "I love you Joshua Hartnett."

"I love you too Katarina Ellers."


(Two weeks later)

"What about this one?" Kat's best friend Sarah Chambers pointed to a simple gown with no straps or sleeves.

"Not bad." Or that one." She pointed to a halter gown. "I feel like I'm on top of the world Sarah, and I can do anything. I feel like I'm flying." Sarah laughed.

"If I were you, I'd feel like I was flying too. You've won an Academy Award at twenty-three, you're engaged to Josh Hartnett, and you've got three movies lined up. You're the queen of the world right now."

"This is the dress." Kat said. It had a long full skirt and a triangle tube top.

"It's offbeat so it really suites you." Sarah said.

"It's perfect."


"Are you sure you have to go? It's pouring outside." Josh said. Kat sighed.

"I have to pick up my dress so I can try it on to see if it fits. If it doesn't, I have to get it altered before the wedding." Josh nodded.

"Okay. Be careful Kat." Kat nodded and kissed him goodbye. Two hours later, she returned with her dress. Kat put it on and timidly stepped out of the bathroom. Sarah whistled.

"You look amazing Kat." Sarah said. She snapped a whole roll of film with Kat posing in different postions.

"Oh my gosh." Kat said. She put a hand to her forehead in frustration.

"What?" Sarah asked.

"I have to pick up the bridemaid's dresses." Sarah looked at her watch.

"Now? It's almost eight o'clock and it's still pouring." Kat shook her head.

"I'm going to be leaving. I have to get them now." She put her dress away and went into the living room where Josh was sitting.

"I have to go." Kat said. Josh got up.

"Are you sure?" Kat nodded and grabbed her keys. Josh grabbed an umbrella and walked her out to the car.

"I love you Josh." Kat said. She got into the car and waved to Josh as she pulled out of the driveway. Josh waved and watched the taillights long after they disappeared.


Josh waited for hours for Kat to come home. He turned on the radio and Savage Garden's "I Knew I Loved You" came on. It was his and Kat's favorite song. By midnight, Josh was worried and started calling Kat's cell phone every five minutes. Josh was about to call again when the doorbell rang.

"She must have forgotten her key." Josh told Sarah. She nodded as he opened the door. But instead of finding his fiancee on the front step, he found two uniformed police officers.

"Is the home of Katarina Ellers?" One police officer asked. Josh numbly nodded.

"I'm her fiance Josh Hartnett and this is her best friend Sarah Chambers. What's the problem?" The two men looked down at the ground.

"There's been an accident. Miss Ellers has been taken to the LA General emergency room in critical condition." Beside him, Sarah started to sob. As if in slow motion, Sarah and Josh climbed into Josh's car and drove to LA general. They were told that Kat couldn't have visitors yet and to wait in the waiting room. Josh and Sarah waited four hours before they were finally allowed to see Kat. Tears slipped down Josh's cheeks and sobs racked his body as he saw his future wife lying on the hospital bed, connected to tubes and machins, weak and feeble. A doctor entered the room and despite Josh's sobs, proceeded to list off Kat's ailments.

"Broken arm, skull fracture, punctured lung, cuts, bruises, some internal bleeding, and she's in a coma." Josh dried his eyes and tried to regain his composure as the doctor left the room.

"You have to wake up Kat." Sarah said. "Wake up for me. Most of all, wake up for Josh." Josh shook his head, fresh tears slipping down his cheeks. He felt as though he had already lost her.


(Two months later)

"I don't care if you need me there today or not. My fiancee is in the hospital. I'm going to visit her." Every day for the past two months, Josh had been sitting by Kat's bedside. And for two months, she showed no signs of waking up.

"Hey Judy." Josh said as he walked into the hospital.

"You can't go in there Josh." Josh stopped in his tracks.

"Why?" Judy looked down at her desk.

"Kat flatlined and they're in there trying to revive her." Before Judy had a chance to say anything, Josh sprinted down the hallway to Kat's room. Ten doctors were around Kat, desperatly trying to get her to breathe again. Josh wasn't sure how long he stood there, but the tears never stopped falling.

"We've done all we can." The doctor said. "Time of death: 2:14 p.m." Josh slumped down to the floor as the realization hit him full force. His true love was dead and there was nothing he could do. There would be no happiness, love, light, or joy in his life. Everything good in his life ended when she took her last breath.

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