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Reading Festival 2003:
22 August

After we woke up somewhat refreshed, although two hours apart, due to obsessive hair straightening behaviour by one hOOchy* girl, and despite being chatted up the night before by two spotty youths who for some bizarre reason had come to see INME and System of a Down (of all people!) we proceeded to plan our days festivities. After allotting sufficient time for primping, sitting and drinking we decided which bands we would most like to dedicate our attention to. Back to those spotty youths. They hadn’t even heard of The Blueskins, shame on them. In fact I don’t think we met a single person who had so feeling a little sorry for them (The Blueskins – although I felt sorry for the Spotty Youths in almost equal measure) we decided that they would be the first band on our agenda, especially as we had been giving out their free badges and seen them before. At the Met Lounge – woo hoo! Although, this time we were quite sober. It was12:40 afterall and even seasoned alcoholics like ourselves aren’t usually plastered at this time of day. BIG mistake because the Blueskins were boring with a capital B. That’s a capital B for Big, a capital B for Blueskins, and a capital B for Boring. You get the picture. But it turned out that one band could Save (s) the Day, at least for Caroline because she likes all that American bubble gum pop punk/emo type thing. Saves The Day were actually rather good and we had a little bop and sing-a-long. After that we were all cheered up so decided to go back to our tent to play with our new Pound Shop toys. After a while, us and our toys were spotted by some really nice blokes (who were over 20!) who seemed to make it their mission to make us smile and every single person who passed our tent for about half an hour. It worked. So much so that we stopped throwing things at each other and started to feel more positive.

Next up was a band that we kept forgetting the name of and kept getting annoyed over because remembering the name of a band isn’t exactly rocket science after all, even for us girlys. Wait a minute it was Rocket Science! How about that for a coincidence. Well, I never. Anyway it turns out that their music wasn’t rocket science anyway (what a cheat! I demand a refund Mr Festival organiser), as most of their set was pretty poor apart from when they played ‘Going Away’, which incidentally was the first song they played when we entered the Carling Stage, and mirrored exactly what we were doing shortly after it was performed. All in all they were a bit of a dissappointment Although, it was nice to see the boys from Lolitas there *waves * all the same.

Back to the tent to redo hair/make up (in hOOchy* fashion) to the suggestion that we should be roughing it by some men who clearly didn’t know what they were talking about.

After a few hours of the wonderful game ‘How many things can you do with a Pringle?’ we were all excited about seeing Placebo and Brian’s smiling little face. Unfortunatly do to our inability to realise 19:05 is actually 7:05pm and not 8:05pm we missed them. Fuck mutha fucka fuck shit. Sorry Brian - we hear he was crying into his cornflakes the next morning. With Placebo being the primary reason for coming to the festival to say we were feeling a bit down was an understatement. But us hOOchy girls learn from our mistakes and Caroline has even gone back to school to learn a number of things including spelling but primarily how to read the 24 hour clock properly so those pesky running order laminates won’t prove so problematic in future.

We stayed to watch a bit of Blink 182 but were too upset about Placebo, so went back to our tent to sulk. We cheered ourselves up though by drinking far too much aftershock and discovering how completely pissed off people get if you shine your torch in their eyes when they walk past! We stopped when one man almost walked into someone fire! Oopsy.

Rocking or Shocking?
Rocking. 4/5 Party On Friday

Go to another day of the festival......... Friday ...... Saturday ...... Sunday

Or view randomness: Reading 2003 Hall Of Fame