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Reading Festival 2003:
23 August

*Happy Birthday to you*
*Happy Brthday to you*
*Happy Birthday to Laura*
*Happy Birthday to yooooou*

The majority of the morning and early afternoon was spent pressie opening and suffering from projectile vomiting and trying to recollect the events of the night before and then quickly trying to forget them, interrupted by periods of tent invasion. Especially by some South African guy – a persistent offender) who kept on trying to get free stuff off us, despite the fact that we were all out of it, (free stuff that is although we were still pretty out of it from the night before aswell).

Once we felt well enough to move, we set off in search of food, but it was all too expensive (£5 for a fecking jumbo hotdog? I think not), so we had some soup (which in 32 degrees heat was just perfect!), from the Salvation Army tent instead and got a bit of counciling thrown in from a Salvation Army woman who seemed to think we were 16 and had problems at home!! Afterwards we bought a big melon. Then got lost. That was fun. This resulted in us missing some really cool bands like My Morning Jacket and The Darkness, but fortunaltely we managed to get ourselves together for The Revs (vroom vroooom) who were seriously good, especially as they all has really sexy Irish accents. ...ahhhh.. although the lead singer let it slip that he had a girlfriend so I guess we’ll have to cross him off our stalking list then because you know how bitchy some girls can get! Left early though to see The Libertines (minus the lovely Pete) who in his absense were a little disappointing. What a waste, what a fucking waste. We only stayed for a bit and it was getting really hot so decided the time was about right for a mid afternoon siesta.

Little did we know that this afternoon siesta would lead to us being so bored that all we could think to do was see who could balance the most things on their head. Laura won. (View the boredom here). Or at least it was a good idea until we were rudely interrupted by possibly the two ugliest men in the whole world who suggested that we should strip with their help and see if we could balance as much on two other certain areas of our bodies. Feeling somewhat disturbed, although glad that they left without trying to molest us, we decided that the only thing left to do was get drunk especially as they said they would be back later for "kisses and shit". Who said romance was dead? Anyway….

After what turned out to be an extended drinking session due to the hot weather we left the ‘safe’ confines of our tent for some more music. We felt we should afterall with it being a music festival and all. I mean it would be rude and very disrepectful of us not to. So we went to see The Mars Volta who happen to be one of the most rocking and innovating new(ish) bands around, but being drunk we had the concentration span of a fish so left after one song. Not that that wasn’t long enough. We later heard that they only played three songs!!

Went back to our tent for some. It turned out that a number of people near us were getting the impression that all did was sit in our tent all day, drink and do our make up. The cheek of it! But at least they were nicer than the little scamp who wanted to swap our bottle of whisky for drugs. Oh sweet children. We used to be happy with a tube of smarties and a bottle of panda pop in our day.

After a few hours of eatting stale food, we topped ourselves up on Red Bull and Gin and marched off to be impressed (while also hiding from) The Bandits. We somehow ended up stood at the front so that didn't quite go to plan. But it was ok in the end ‘cos they were bloomin' marvelous. Much fun was had...partly because they didn't appear to see us (phew!)...most mostly because they were fantastic...and had a tamberine.

Blur was up next. We were in two minds over whether to actually watch them or not 'partly cos they are now a bit crap. What with them having changed so much and Damon seeming to have lost all his umph and enthuasiasm, not to mention the lack of Graham-ness Caroline was worried they would ruin all her happy Blur memories so we compromised and watched them from a distance. Dispite throwing in all the old favourites, they were pretty boring and not a patch on how they used be. We left after half an hour because Billy Bragg was being loud and we couldn’t hear Blur – but that may have been a blessing in disguise.

Rocking or Shocking?
Rocking(ish). 3/5 Saturday night's not alright

Go to another day of the festival...... ...... Friday ...... Saturday ... Sunday

Or view randomness: Reading 2003 Hall Of Fame