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Picture Copyright to Standard Records Australia

There are many things that give me so much admiration for Vince...

  • Love his passion for music -  doesn't do it for the money but for the love of music.

  • His professionalism and performance standard onstage/offstage. The way he plays drums, it's a show on it's own.

  • From the twirling sticks to the spit he sprays all over the stage...he always tries something different as an effect.

  • Expands his musical talents to song writing...he seems to say what he needs to say in such a way that people find it easy to understand. Although there are a lot of hidden meanings. In other words his lyrics makes you think...and that's what the best songwriters want to achieve.

  • His fame over the years has not altered his personality. Talking to people i've come to learn he is still as down-to-earth and easy going as he was in Pseudo Echo, if not more. As a musician I'd say he's one of a kind.

Want to share your experience with Vince for us? Email me

what you like most about Vince - it could be some of the experiences you have had with him or just some of the things he has said to you!


Well me and my cousin had been waiting at a concert and it was something like 3 hrs before it started and we had been there as long as that (bout 3,4 hrs) and then we were talking to Vince and Christian and Vince went off for a moment then returning with 3 bottles of water one for Christian one for him and one for my cousin and I , it was just so nice of him and he said something like "Well they have been here all day waiting". Yeah what a nice guy!!! He rocks. - Bec (Perth)

I just get mesmerised by the way he twirls those drumsticks *hehe* That's very very cool. Also just generally he's one of the nice guys of rock and roll - always ready with a smile and a conversation for the fans :) - Lauren (Newcastle)

My friends and I had Invertigo necklaces/bracelets made. While all the guys thought they were great, Vince got all excited about them! hehe He asked us to get him one... which of course we did! And he plans to give it to his Mum! awww =) - Megan (QLD)

You don't meet guys like Vince everyday, he is an amazing person in every way shape and form...:) - Loesja (Newcastle)

The first time I ever saw him was their gig in Rockhampton and I was mesmerised by the way Vince played his drums. It was really beautiful. I understand what you mean by his passion for music because that definitely stands out. - Deborah Toon

The first time that I saw Vince play was at Elder Park when I asked for a photo he said "Sure". After the photo he looked at Gerry and said "Get off me" but in the joking way Gerry didn't say anything. He is sooo funny and cute :) - Zoë

I love Vince's brilliant mind which shows so much in his lyrics, in interviews and in emails!! I love his awesome drumming and song writing and he really is a such a sweet guy too!! You're so awesome Vince!! - Alison