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Random New Things
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Brett's Wild Turkey Bash at his and Slopes apartment was tons of fun. Here are some random black and white shots:

brett's gone.jpg (86360 bytes) -So Brett crashed hard and early. Too much turkey. Holly had to take care of him.  

    Cards and stuff.jpg (74030 bytes)  Card games with a few people.

 Corey and Lyds.jpg (81511 bytes) Aww, Shift and lydia. How sweet.

Corey Points to jack.jpg (65519 bytes) Ah yes, sweet Jack. Corey loves his jack. Even if it's that high.

 Corey's Everything.jpg (80185 bytes) -Ok, so at some point, lydia stole corey's tie, and holly got his shirt. And put my booze down!

  Ha ha ha.jpg (57266 bytes) -wow I knew dusty was insane, but not that ready to kill.

Hashbrowns.jpg (57735 bytes) God bless you hashbrown lady. 

  Ladies and the King.jpg (75976 bytes) Aww, what a pose.

  Lydia and Corey sleepy.jpg (70755 bytes) -Can I just sleep here?

So it was homecoming and this is what Shift and Shedd had to say for that:

holly and corey.jpg (53221 bytes) Shift and Holly arguing about something.

the guys.jpg (49642 bytes) Shift telling lame story or something, Shedd "eating" and Milltertime ready to kill.

Turkey corey and holly.jpg (55693 bytes) Shift says "nothing wrong with feeding your hand with a little Turkey, Wild Turkey that is.

You want to know what was up with us this summer? Well this is it. Find it here and on the News page. Also find out what's new with us this fall. As of right now the band is up to just about nothing. Managing a few practices here and there and a few new songs. However they do manage to get out and do other things. This is where you'll find that, and any new photos for the time.

Malibu.jpg (92501 bytes)
Here is the Malibu Club where we were supposed to play. It would have been cool if they would have contacted us. Anyways, we got our name promoted at least. The place behind it burned down the next night I think so it's not open no more. It sucks, it was a nice place.

Holly's 21st B-day out at the bars. First pic, Shift with Holly and Shedd behind enjoying a brew. 2nd picture of shift trying to drink two beers at once.

corey.jpg (44964 bytes)

corey 2.jpg (42196 bytes)

June 23rd, 2003 -or close to

These photos are just recent photos of practice. Not a whole lot of excitement to say with them. It's just one of each of us. Sure Dusty looks like he's singing for Satan, and brandon looks like he's forcing out the next 'trucker turd' for Stan to eat but hell when you drum better than a shit-eater, what's to be expected?

Brandon June Practice.jpg (56848 bytes)   Corey June Practice.jpg (40266 bytes)   Dusty June Practice.jpg (47982 bytes)


June 28th, 2003

Shift244 turns 21. So the band comes up north along with brother Slippy and do a little drinking and relaxing. Shift was sick with a cold, once again, so it wasn't as exciting as it could be in the past. Plus  he's attempting to recover from Ulcerative Colitis and would rather get rid of that so things in his life can go back to normal. Anyways that Saturday the guys went out to Weasels a nude joint near Eagle River. Here Slippy and drummer Shibie managed to snag photos of the hottie Mia. The photos don't show what she was able to do, quite the flexer and dancer. Did a good job for her tips. Anyways, sorry I have to block out the boobies being that this is a clean site. If u really want to see these guys sitting with her, just email one of them. But yes, this is what a band does when not playing.

Brandon and Mia blurred.jpg (30135 bytes)

Brett and Mia blurred.jpg (34078 bytes)


July 1st, 2003-or close to it

Thanks to Slippy and Bernd for always showing up at our practices. Slippy took these photos to use up his film. If you want to see the tour shots of our big show and a show from Jan. 25th go here: Tour Page and then go to Concert Photos one and two. Sorry too many shots split it up. Anyways, here is one of Shift, Shedd, and Shibie:

B-july practice corey.jpg (78949 bytes)   B-july practice dusty.jpg (57982 bytes)   B-july practice brandon.jpg (112371 bytes)