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Jellicle High: Chapter 5

Day three of Jellicle High dawned cool and cloudy. Ominous clouds hung low in the sky, so close you could almost touch them. The bell rang, and students shuffled to class, the chilly day making most attitudes cold and lifeless.


Lunchtime came after what seemed like hours. Victoria sat down on the table and fished an apple out of her paper lunch bag. She sank her sharp teeth into it as Jemima sat and set her books down. “Can’t you ever learn to use a chair?” she teased.
“Dat’s no’ fun,” Victoria mumbled around her mouthful of apple.
Etcetera and Electra sat down next to them. Electra set down her books and dug into her lunch, but Etcetera was busy looking around for Tugger. When she found him, she sighed and leaned back in her seat to stare.
Jemima examined a flyer on the table. “Drama meeting tonight. Anyone going besides me?”
“Nope,” Electra and Victoria chorused.
“No,” Etcetera mumbled softly, not even looking at the group.
“Hey, Etcy, you feelin’ all right?” Victoria asked.
“Huh?” Etcetera turned to the white queen. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just… a stomach ache, is all.”
“I hope it wasn’t all those M&Ms and popcorn we had last night,” Electra teased.
“Aw, no, you know me. Junk food queen,” Etcetera teased. She reached for her yogurt, figuring she at least eat a little before Electra discovered her secret.


“So, what’s this I hear? You’re with Macavity now?” Cassandra asked, sashaying up to Bombalurina’s table.
Demeter’s head shot up to stare at Bombalurina. “You’re what?”
Bom glared at Cassandra, then smiled at Demeter. “Be right back, sweetie.” She got up and motioned for Cassandra to follow her. The two trooped out of the lunchroom and disappeared into the queen’s room.
“Did you have to say that in front of Demeter?” Bom demanded, crossing her arms.
“Sorry. I forgot. But is it true?” Cassandra didn’t sound the least bit sorry.
“Who told you?” Bombalurina demanded.
“I dunno… Exotica… a couple other queens. Everyone seems to know.”
“Who found out first?” Bom demanded.
“Whoever Macavity told, I would guess.”
Macavity told?” Bom demanded, her hazel eyes flashing angrily.
“Well, I don’t know! Sheesh, you act like you’re ashamed.”
“Well, no, I’m not…”
“So, how is he?”
“You mean… in bed?”
“Duh. Earth to Bomby.” Cassandra tapped Bom’s forehead with a finger.
Bom grinned. “Well, I certainly can’t complain.”
“Ooh,” Cassandra giggled. “That good, huh?”
“Yeah,” Bom said dreamily. “He’s excellent.”
“But, I mean, no matter how good he is… I mean… Yuck. Macavity?”
“He’s not as mean as he seems,” Bom said softly. “I think most people misunderstand him.”
“What’s his house like?”
“Clean, for one thing.”
“From Macavity? That’s surprising.”
Bom nodded. “He’s picking me up again tonight.”
“Sheesh, are you two getting’ it on or what?” Cassandra teased.
Bom grinned and shrugged. “Hey, what can I say?”
“Are you two going to the Homecoming Dance next Friday?”
“I’d assume so,” Bom said. “I don’t think we’re breaking up any time soon.”
“Ooh. You two make me sick,” Cassandra teased.
“Shut up!” Bom teased back. “So, how’s Munkustrap?”
“Ancient history,” Cassandra hissed. “You didn’t hear?”
“No. Hear what?”
“He called me on Tuesday night and broke up with me for that little slut, Demeter.”
“She’s NOT a slut!” Bom said sharply. “In fact, she ain’t ever slept with a tom before.”
Cassandra’s eyes lit up. “You mean, she’s still innocent?”
“Aw, man, I thought she and Macavity were a couple.”
“They were.”
“What happened?”
“A lot.”
“Tell me.”
“Why not?”
“Not my place. She’s my friend.”
“Aw, come on.”
“Fine. I’ll find out from someone else.”
“You do that. I gotta go eat lunch.” Bom turned to go.
“You think Macavity likes you?”
Bom turned back to the brown queen. “Yeah, I do.”
“You think he’s the one?”
“I… I dunno yet… I’ll have to see.”
Both of them grinned and left the bathroom back to the noisy lunchroom.


Demeter looked up as Bombalurina sat back down next to her. “Bomby, you’re not really going out with Macavity, are you?”
“Don’t worry, Demi. I’m okay.” Bom gave her friend a smile.
Demeter couldn’t return it. “Bom, he’s dangerous.”
“No, actually, he’s quite sweet.” Bom’s eyes turned dreamy.
“Bom, I’m just so worried about you and him…”
“Demi, I’ll be careful,” Bom said, taking her friend’s paw in her own. “I promise.”
“O… Okay.” Demeter squeezed the paw. “You just be aware, okay?”
“I will. I will.”


Mungojerrie rubbed his forehead with a blistering headache, then winced as he touched an ugly, blue bruise on his temple. “Tea, do you got an aspirin?”
“No, Jer, I don’t,” Rumpleteazer said softly. “Are you gonna be okay? You look awful.”
“Just like any other day. I’ll tough it out.” Jerrie grabbed his math book off the large stack in front of him. “Can you help me with my geometry?”
“Of course. We’ll get your work done. You should try to sleep tonight, Jer. You have dark circles under your eyes, and it’s not cause you got hit there.”
Jerrie’s paws flew to his eyes. “Is it noticeable?”
“Not from far away, and your fur kinda covers it. You should be okay.” Teazer hugged her brother.
“Ow,” Jerrie moaned.
Teazer pulled away. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.”
“Jer, you know I would never hurt you.”
“I know, love. I know.”


“Can I join you?” came a shy voice in Demeter’s ear.
The gold and black queen jerked back in her seat, startled, then came nose to nose with Munkustrap, who was standing hopefully behind her.
Demeter turned bright red. “Hi,” she said, smiling shyly.
“Hi,” Munkustrap said back. “Can I sit with you, Dem?”
Bombalurina was trying to look absorbed in her lunch, as was the rest of the queens at the table, but Demeter could tell they all were listening. “Sure, Munku. You can sit with me.”
Bom looked up at Munkustrap and fluttered her eye lashes just a bit. “Hey, Mr. Prez,” she purred, her eyes narrowing just a bit to give her a playful, pouty look.
Munkustrap blushed beneath his gray and black fur. “Hey yourself, Bom. How are you?”
“Couldn’t be better, sugar cakes,” Bom teased. Demeter rolled her eyes good-naturedly, and Munkustrap grinned and set about to eating his lunch.
Suddenly Cassandra came swishing past their table, her cafeteria tray balanced perfectly on one paw. Just as she passed Demeter, she tilted her tray ever so slightly, and bottle of cranberry juice wobbled dangerously and tipped, spilling the bright red juice over the edge of the tray onto Demeter’s shirt. Demeter shrieked in surprise.
Munkustrap leaped up, eyes blazing, his face inches from Cassandra’s. His lips curled back in a nasty snarl. “You-.”
“Munkustrap, don’t,” Demeter said quickly, touching his arm with one paw and grabbing a napkin with the other to mop up the puddle forming in her lap.
Munkustrap glared at Cassandra, who looked mortified, then glared back at the silver tabby. The two stood in stony, frozen silence for about seven seconds before Munkustrap took a deep breath and growled in a low voice, “Try to be a little more careful next time, Cassandra.” His forced tone was low and guttural, and the way he said her name sounded like a curse.
Cassandra glared slightly, then turned her back on him and flounced away, her tail swishing triumphantly. Munkustrap watched her go, then grabbed a napkin to help Demeter clean off her shirt. “What is her problem?” he growled as he tried to soak up the already-drying liquid. “Can’t she just accept this?”
Demeter sighed. “Munkustrap, don’t blame her. Please. She’s mad.”
“No sh*t,” Munkustrap muttered.
“Don’t curse,” Demeter scolded, tossing the drenched napkin onto the table. “I should go clean up in the bathroom.”
“Here, I’ll walk you,” Munkustrap offered, holding out a paw to her. Demeter took it and stood up, her green eyes shining, despite the red mess coating her clothing.
“Thank you, Munkustrap.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s the least I can do for my girlfriend,” Munkustrap said, smiling sweetly. Demeter grinned back as he led her out the door and down the short hallway to the queen’s room. “Want me to wait here for you?”
“No. No, that’s all right. You shouldn’t miss lunch. I’ll just wet down some towels,” Demeter said, squeezing his paw.
“I don’t know if that’s gonna come out…” Munkustrap said softly. “Do you want me to go get my jersey from my gym locker? You could wear that…”
Demeter blushed and smiled at him. “That might be a good idea, if it would fit me.”
“A little big, but it’ll cover up the stain. But the pants are too big… but the shirt might cover the stain on your jeans.”
“Okay,” Demeter agreed. She disappeared into the bathroom and grabbed several paper towels from the dispenser. She wet them under the water faucet, then actually looked at the stain in the mirror. It was pretty bad, beginning at her bust line and stretching all the way to the thighs of her jeans. Lovely. She sighed softly and began to scrub at her white shirt, praying the juice would come out. It was her favorite white shirt, with embroidered flowers around the hem, making it look like something from the 60’s. She had bought it at Lacy’s only a few weeks ago, and she was hoping she could wear it on a date with Munkustrap. But if it was stained for good…
“Demi?” Munkustrap called. “I got the shirt.”
Demeter slid her head out of the door and smiled as he held out his royal blue and gold basketball jersey to her with a proud smile. “Thanks.” She slid back inside and pulled off her white shirt. She slid on the silky garment and straightened it. It was big on her, but it hid most of the juice stain in her lap, and it was warm enough for the cool day. She tried to smile at herself in the mirror. Girlfriend wearing boyfriend’s jersey. It had come a lot earlier than she had expected, but she wasn’t going to complain. With one last glance in the mirror, she stepped out into the hallway to rejoin her tom.


Lunch went by too fast, and no one seemed to be ready to leave for classes. They shuffled through the hallways, took their time at their lockers, and stopped to chat with anyone they met up with. The magic of the first day of school had died, and school was already turning into the dreaded thing that took up ¾ of a whole year of your precious life. With soft growls and tired sighs, students retreated to the restless world of the classroom to endure another three hours of mindless, endless facts.


Pouncival moved into the tom’s locker room to get ready for gym. He loved gym, more than any other class of the day. Next to him, Mistoffelees looked worried. Gym was not his best subject by any means. And no magic was going to change that.
“Relax, Misto. You’ll be fine,” Pouncival whispered before spinning the combination to his gym lock. Misto nodded and fiddled with his own combination.
Pouncival yanked the handle and pulled the locker door open. Suddenly he shrieked and stumbled backwards, falling head-over-heels over the bench. Lying spread-eagle on his locker shelf was a dead rat. A really dead rat. So dead it was decomposing rat. A horrid smell filled the locker room, and all the freshman toms instantly covered their sensitive noses.
“I’ll bet it was that Rumpus Cat,” Mistoffelees muttered, both paws over his nose, muffling his words. “He plays pranks on freshmen.”
“Well, dat’s jus’ gross,” Pouncival said, nose pinched between his fingers. “Le’s go tell Coach Asparagus.”
“Yeah,” Mistoffelees agreed. The two stormed out of the locker room to go tell the gym teacher about the rat prank, leaving the locker room smelling worse than it ever had.


The rest of the dark, cloudy day dragged, and everyone, even the teachers, thought it would never end. Mr. Shanks, or Skimbleshanks (informally), had had to break up three separate spit wad fights between Rumpus Cat and Plato, sometimes involving Admetus and some other cat named Ryli. When the final bell rang, the mood suddenly picked up, and everyone was as alert as Pollicle pups, ready to go home and forget the last 7 hours.
Jemima grabbed her bag and headed for the Divinity room, the meeting place for the drama club to gather for its first meeting of the year. She slid inside, discovering she was the first one. Trying not to look too “new” at this, she sat down in a chair and smoothed her soft skirt.
Mr. Gus, the art/drama teacher, looked up at her through tired, gray eyes and smiled. “Hello, young one. You must be new to this school.”
“Yes, sir, I am,” Jemima replied, polite as she could be.
“It’s so nice to see new faces in our club. What is your name?”
“Ah, ‘tis a gorgeous name,” Mr. Gus said, smiling a sad smile that Jemima concluded was the closest thing he had to a real smile. “It’s a stage name, don’t you think?”
She had never thought of that. “I suppose it is,” she said, smiling brightly.
Just then a noisy group of cats entered, and Jemima hushed, feeling a little out of place as they congregated across the room from her, in their own little private world. “A little less noise, please,” Mr. Gus advised, lifting one shaky paw in reprimand to the group.
“Sure, teach,” responded a marbled tom, and the group burst into giggles. But Gus did not seem to mind. Jemima stared at him a moment. She has never realized how old and frail he looked. Why was he even working here? Surely he was old enough to retire and live comfortably for the rest of his days. But she decided it was rude to think such things about such a nice tom and settled back in her seat to wait.
Alonzo came shuffling into the room, a huge, black backpack on his back and a water bottle in one paw. He looked around, then suddenly spotted Jemima sitting by herself. He made his way over to her. “Is this seat taken?” he asked, motioning to the seat next to her.
Jemima jerked around to look at him and blushed a brighter pink than her sweater. “I, um… uh… Huh?”
Alonzo smiled at her. “I asked, is this seat taken?”
Jemima looked around. “Um, no, it’s not… No. It’s free.” She could have slapped herself for reiterating what she was saying. Come on, think straight. It’s just… a tom… a handsome… sweet… popular… The list in her head was trotting away at full speed from its mind printer as she watched him set his backpack down next to him, then take a sip of water from his bottle. She admired his strong jaw as he swallowed it and set the bottle aside. She didn’t even realize he had looked back at her til their eyes met. She turned pink again. “Um… it’s, uh… it’s nice… to see… you… again,” she stammered, unsure what else to say.
Alonzo smiled and held out his paw to her. “And the same to you.”
Jemima placed her paw in his, and Alonzo turned it and gave her a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. Jemima smiled and went from flamingo pink to cherry red in several microseconds. She cleared her throat and settled her paws in her lap. “So, um, what goes on at the drama meetings?” she asked, hoping he would talk and let her get her bearings.
Alonzo leaned back in his seat. “The first meeting is basically just introduction. We meet all the new members, then go around and say why we’re here. Then we do a few warm-up exercises, so we can learn the routine, and then we discuss what plays we will do this year. Pretty standard,” Alonzo finished, smiling at her.
“Sounds great,” Jemima said, feeling the blood slowly draining from her face to leave her visage the same normal, rosy color it usually was. “I hope I get to star one day.”
“With a beautiful voice like yours and a face to match? I’m sure you will,” Alonzo said, his voice soft and warm.
No tom had ever made her blush this much! Jemima felt embarrassed as the blood moved back to her face, and she dropped her head slightly so he wouldn’t see. “Thank you.”
Alonzo smiled and bit his lip for a moment before asking, “So, any special cats gonna come to see you perform?”
“Well… my parents, I guess, and my grandparents and aunts and uncles… Maybe some friends… That’s about it…”
“No… special guy?” Alonzo persisted, hope shining like a diamond in his eyes.
If she had been cherry red before, she was lobster red now. Jemima bit her lip as she smiled and looked up into his eyes. “No, no special guy.”
Alonzo wanted to shout for joy, but he settled for a simple, “Oh. That’s too bad.”
Jemima wanted to ask him if he was offering or if he was just curious, but she didn’t want to sound overly-excited. She studied her skirt a moment, brushing tiny lint fibers from it, trying to come up with an answer, but none came.
Alonzo sensed her uneasiness, but he also sensed her eagerness. He slowly leaned towards her in his seat, to whisper in her ear, but Gus suddenly clapped his paws, and everyone quieted, to listen to the teacher’s words. Jemima sat back in her seat, grateful for the interruption, but, in the very back of her mind, she couldn’t help but savor the feeling of Alonzo’s warm breath on the back of her neck.


Demeter closed her locker and picked up her backpack. She slung it over her shoulder and headed down the hallway, moving as slow as she could. To get to the main door, she had to pass the senior lockers, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to face Cassandra. But she had to get home. She took a deep breath, and, with head high, she walked straight and proud past the senior hallway. And of course, Cassandra had to spot her.
“Hey Demi,” Cassandra greeted, her tone snippy and cold. “Nice shirt.”
“Munkustrap loaned it to me,” Demeter defended, trying to resolve this fight before it happened. “It’s not permanent.”
Cassandra smirked. “You’re already wearing each other’s clothes. Oh, how romantic.” She batted her eyelashes flirtily, then changed to an icy glare. “Is he gonna be wearing that cute little mini skirt of yours next? So he can show off those legs?”
“Cut it out!” Demeter hissed.
“Or how about your swimsuit, Demi? The one with the low-cut front?” Cassandra’s tone was ice cold. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Shut up!” Demeter cried. She turned and raced for the door as fast as she could, Cassandra’s taunting ringing in her ears. She slammed her paw into the metal bar to open the door and took off down the street, tears threatening the corners of her eyes.
Suddenly a car pulled up next to her. It was Munkustrap. “Hey, Demi, hop in. I’ll give you a ride home.”
Demeter slid inside in silence. She set her bag down and pulled on her seatbelt, wiping away the tears in her green eyes. She looked up at Munkustrap and tried to smile, but she didn’t feel very good. Munkustrap turned to her, his eyes sad. “Don’t let Cassandra get you down. I’m sorry she did that to you today, Demeter. Really sorry. She had no right-.”
“It’s okay,” Demeter said softly. “I… I shouldn’t let her bother me…”
Munkustrap reached over and squeezed her paw gently. “I’m always here, Demi, and I won’t let her hurt you. She’s just jealous. She’ll get over it.”
“I hope so, Munkustrap. I hope so.” Demeter curled into Munkustrap’s arms, feeling his warm body radiate onto hers. All she could do was cry as he drove her home, leaning her head against his shoulder and letting the tears fall. She just couldn’t stop, no matter how hard she tried.
Munkustrap was quiet all the way to Demeter’s house, just letting her cry, unsure what to do to make her feel better. As they pulled into her driveway, he leaned towards her and gave her a gentle kiss on her wet cheek. “Don’t cry, Demi. It’ll all be all right. I promise.”
Demeter sniffed, wiping her eyes with the back of her paw. “Munkustrap, I can’t face her! I can’t! I can’t deal with this from her!”
“Demeter, listen,” Munkustrap said firmly, grasping her chin in his paw lightly and gazing into her eyes. “I don’t ever want you to say that you can’t face Cassandra. She is just jealous, and she may be for a long time. But you’re strong. You can handle it. I know you. Don’t let her get you down. She just can’t handle it, but you can. Understand?”
Demeter swallowed and nodded, unable to look away from Munkustrap’s penetrating gaze. She blinked to clear away tears and cleared her throat softly as Munkustrap released her chin. She scrubbed her cheeks hastily and hoped her makeup hadn’t streaked. “I… I understand, Munkustrap. I will.” She tried to smile.
Munkustrap grinned brightly. “That’s the Demeter I know and love.” He leaned in and touched his lips to hers.
Demeter smiled and kissed him back, then settled back against the seat with a soft sigh. She held her backpack tight to her chest and gazed up at Munkustrap through long lashes. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For everything.”
Munkustrap smiled and gave her a gentle hug. “Come on. I’ll walk you inside.”


Of course we must read Chapter 6!
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