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English Name: The Little Mermaid

Japanese Name: リトルマーメイド * Ritoru Maameido

Video Sample:Disney Classics Trailer

The Soundtrack

Kanji TitleRomaji TitleEnglish TranslationOriginal English Title
海の底でUmi no Soko deThe Bottom of the SeaFathoms Below
トリトンの娘たちTORITON no Musume-tachiDaughters of TritonSame
パート・オブ・ユア・ワールドPAATO OBU YOA WAARUDOPart of Your WorldSame
アンダー・ザ・シーANDA ZA SHIIUnder the SeaSame
パート・オブ・ユア・ワールド(リプライズ)PAATO OBU YOA WAARUDO(RIPURAIZU)Part of Your World(Reprise)Same
哀れな人々 Awarena HitobitoPathetic PeoplePoor Unfortunate Souls
キス・ザ・ガールKIZU ZA GAARUKiss the Girl

Overall Rating:

I have yet to watch this version. If you have and would like to write a review of the Japanese version, please email me.

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