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Family Name: Upup
Purrticular Name: Bacchius
Purrsonal Name No!
Gender: Male
Purrsonality: Lots of energy!
Habits: I am always on the trapexe and doing acrobatic stunts (hence the name Upup).
Colouring & Markings: Just like my daughter, Umbra, but I have a white jester hat on my chest.
Habitat: Big house in the country
Tastes: Catnip
Paw Print: :O

I have been to 6 Jellicle Balls, and the last one, my wife, Jennay, was picked to be reborn.

-- Bacchius

(From an interview with Bacchius -- G-Clef)

Bacchius was first remembered by his daughter Umbra

:0 The Forgotten Cats: B Big Mamma Marbleye O: