
5th September 2003
Here she is!! Not done much. Just added a link to my collective at the bottom of the main page. Possible a message board coming soon, so you people that still visit this nearly dead site, you'll be able to post about how little I update, and such...

13th March 2003
::waits to be beaten:: I know It's been a while, but HERE I AM!!!
I've added a Link
2 new members for The I Love Kittens Fan Club !
All contests will be updated soon.

27th January 2003
Oh dear. No updates for nearly 3 weeks. ::hides in shame:: Well...
I added a link.
I've also decided that Who's the Cat will be a monthly contest, and I'll make the cats harder...
Added all the correct entries for Who's the Cat.

7th January 2003
I did update Who's the Cat on monday, but I never got round to writing it here... I didn't update anything today, I just wanted to tell you that I had updated Who's the Cat... I'll shut up now...

4th January 2003
Remember me? Hope so. I'm sooooo sorry I've not updated for like AGES, but here I am. I added ::counts:: 9 links! Wheeee! Sorry. I all excited because I can see snow out of the window! I PROMISE to update Who's the Cat on Monday. Lets just say it closed for the holiday?
Won another award, and I've sorted the awards I've won section into years...
I've started changing the home and back buttons, so there will be two different sets of buttons for a while...
Won another award! I'm on an award winning streak!
Awarded and award
Added another link!
I've started puttong the background from the man page everywhere aswell, so carry on the coloue scheme...
Another correct guess for Who's the Cat
I found some funny faces that Mistoaura had sent in, but the computer is being funny, and wont download them. I'll put them up as soon as possible...

21st December 2002
There's a new member of The I Love Kittens Fan Club
A load of correct entries for Who's the Cat!. Well done to all of you.
A new layout is coming! I've recieved it, now all I have to do it upload the graphics, and put it up!

16th December 2002
FINALLY changed the Cats in, guess whtat! Who's the Cat!
Thats about it! Well, I would have done more, but I have to go now...

15th December 2002
Really sorry about the lack or updates. I've been really busy... And I'm managing 5 websites... Anyway...
Another correct entry for Who's the Cat.
Fan Fic coming soon!
Haven't you people got any fan art to send in? There's only Zazz's up there...
Expect a new layout soon...
And I PROMISE I'll get off my lazy butt and update Who's the Cat tomorrow...

8th December 2002
Jemima has been found!
Another correct entry for Who's the Cat.

4th December 2002
As I've been so lazy, and not got round to updating Who's the Cat, I've decided that this week, like others (well, 1), it shall be a two week contest. Another thing. If I don't send you an award for guessing, a helpfull kick up the butt (via email), may be needed! :D
Won an Award!

25th November 2002
Guess what? I've updated Who's the Cat! *faints* You may now guess!

24th November 2002
I've given out 2 awards
There's a new member for the RPG
Kragey found Jemima.
Now, here's the plan. Every SUNDAY I want you all to send me an email saying UPDATE WHO'S THE CAT! So then, I'll remember. Thanks!

22nd November 2002
Sorry I didn't update Who's the Cat.... :( But if you haven't guessed, you can guess, and if you have, waiting wont hurt will it? Thats it...

17th November 2002
Quick Update!All the people who guessed correctly in Who's the Cat have now been put up.
Also, I'm on the way to get another Kragey FanFic up, so, look forward to that!

12th November 2002
2 new entries for Who's the Cat, and I've changes the pictures. You are now free to guess again! Whooo. Sorry. I'm in a hyper mood today!
A new member has joined The I Love Kittens Fanclub
I've awarded an Award

8th November 2002
2 entries for Who's the Cat
Another member has joined The I Love Kittens Fanclub

5th November 2002
Updated Who's the Cat

3rd November 2002
I've won an award! Go me, go me
I've moved Jemima.
There was something else, but I've totally forgotton....

31st october 2002
Updated Who's the Cat. We have our first '5 Correct Guesses' winner! Well done
Put up the Fan Art

29th October 2002
Updated Who's the Cat
I've recieved an email saying I can use their FanArt. I would have put it up, but I have to do homework now (boring!)

25th October 2002
Added a link

23rd October 2002
Finally updated Your Fic! It only took a few months!
Won another award
Joined a Club
2 correct entries for Who's the Cat
Awarded an Award
Since begging has worked before, I'll try it again lol. Has anyone got any Fan Art they want to send in? I've not got any at the moment, apart from me. Also, The RPG is still abit empty. Plenty of room for extra members.....

21st October 2002
When I said I was going to update Your Fic this weekend, I totally forgot that I was going away for the weekend *slaps head*. So I was all set to get 'story writing' I found out that each choice has 8 votes each! Just my luck! So Your Fic will be delayed, yet again, for about a day, untill a few more votes come.......
Updated Who's the Cat

17th October 2002
Kragey guessed correctly in Who's the Cat
And thannks to all of you kind Jellicles who've voted in Your Fic. Within hours of posting the message in one of my updates (can't remember which) I had gone from 2 votes to 5! I'll try to update it this weekend. Thanks

15th October 2002
2 Jellicles have already guessed correctly in Who's the Cat. Well done!

14th October 2002
I've awarded another award.
I haven't updated Who's the Cat yet, but I definatly will do so either today or tomorrow...
*Later* Updated Who's the Cat
Another jellicle found Jemima

13th October 2002
I've awarded an award.

12th October 2002
Sorry I haven't updated for a few days. I've been kind of busy. Anyway, the updates.....
2 Jellicles has correctly guessed in Who's the Cat. Well done to you!!!
Anothe Jellicle has joined the RPG!
Another Jellicle has found Jemima. Well done
I've awarded an award.
Please vote on Your Fic... I can't carry on the story with about 2 votes, each voting for a different thing......

8th October 2002
3 Jellicles have correctly guessed in Who's the Cat. Well done to all of you!!!

7th October 2002
I've updated Who's the Cat?. Past winners may now guess again!

6th October 2002
I also found an award, so I put it up...
I've added another Link

5th October 202
I've finally finished the lyrics. It only took just under 2 months!!!
I got another award.

4th October 2002
Another Jellicle has joined the RPG!
I've been made a little chibi doll: She is linked to where I got her from. You'll see her round the website, so no messing. I don't know what she;'s going to do next!
Will someone please send me some Fan Art of Fan Fiction? The page is getting very empty.....
I've adopted another kitten . Actually, it's another Jemima, but that doesn't matter.....does it?
*Later*YAY. Kragey sent me a Fanfiction . Thanks

3rd October 2002
2 MORE JELLICLES GUESSED CORRECTLY in Who's the Cat?. I don't think it's hard enough! I've added an award you could win it you guessed 5 time in a row, correctly. Read about it at Who's the Cat
Lsst night I had an idea for a made up Jellicle for the RPG, but, as I jhave to come off the computer, she will be done later... Characters are going like....well......they're going fast. If you still want your favourite character, sign up quickly........

2nd October 2002
I've added a drawing of Misto, by moi
Who's the Cat? is doing really well. I only set it up yesterday evening and I've already had 3 entries.....

1st October 2002
The new contest is now up
I've got an I.D card. A the bottom of the main page, if you haven't already seen it...

30th September
I've given out another award . Well done Forever Jellicle!
Oh, I got an email back saying that I can do the contest, as long as I give them full credit. So maybe today, or maybe in a few days time there will be another contest. Yay

28th September 2002
Another jellicle has joined the RPG , with the made up character, Zazz!
I've given out another award
A Jellicle had joined the I Love Kittens Fan club
You can now use 2 more banners to link to me. Honestly those were my last banner requests!!!

27th September 2002
Sorry I haven't updated for a few days. I've been 'banned' from the computer!
Anyway, I added some more disasters in the 'what if.....' section.
You can now use another banner to link to me. There's quite alot now. I'll have to stop requesting them!
There's one more 'cool' graphic
I've drawn Jemima (again), and now she sitting in fan creations .
IMPORTANT NOTICE. PLEASE READ! I'm thinking about closing down Your Fic . Not very many people tell me which way they want the story to go and it's just not done very well. Is there anyway I could make it better? Or do you just not like the idea? Tell me!
I found a nice little contest in another site, so I've emailed that site to ask if I can use the idea. With a bit of luck, another contest will be coming...

22nd September 2002
You can now Chat, at 'Jemima's Jellicle Chat'.
I've added a 'Which Kitten Are You?' Quiz thingy.
2 Jellicle have joined the I Love Kittens Fanclub
I've got another award . Yay

19th September 2002
I've got 2 more Banners,
I've added a Contests page. Only one contest at the moment, but more should (hopefully) follow!

15th September 2002
The RPG, is now open. Come and join
I've won another Award!
Same as before about Your Fic. *sob sob*. No one's told me what they want!

11th September 2002
I've got a new Banner, for you to link to me with (I hope that made sense...)
Same as before about Your Fic. *sob sob*
I've added a What if.. page.
Oh, and this lovely background was made for me by Jemima. Thanks!

8th September 2002
I know it's kinda late to start an updates page, as I started my site on the 6th July 2002, but I've started one anyway. Anyway, the updates:
I've started a Thank You page, saying thank you to everyone who has helped or given me things for my site.
I can't do another part to Your Fic, as no one has told me what they want. The story will also need a title, so if you have any ideas send them in. Please
I've added Etcetera graphics, and some Victoria graphics.
I've adopted adopted a Jellicle, well actually it's Jemima. Go & see her in her new home...