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           DREAMS SYMBOLS          


BAG = A woman: 'the old bag.'

BALL = Testicles: 'balls'
Playing with the ball,
ball games = Playing with the testicles, therefore erection.
Kicking the ball: = Erection, as above, or fear of castration.
If the ball goes off at an angle: = Misdirected sexual excitement, perhaps not inspired
by the dreamer's wife.
- Breast or pregnant belly.
- Circle, and therefore wholeness.
A golden ball in the dark, in the depths: = The glimmering of inner light
to illuminate the unconscious.

BANK = Emotional, rather than financial, capital and security.
Vaults = The womb, or the store of semen.

BEHEADING = Losing one's head, therefore losing one's mind, possibly as the
result of failing to cultivate it's potential at the right time, or at
least the fear of this. - One part of the body may stand for another,
and therefore fear of castration or impotence.

BELLS. - Alarm bells especially: = Conscience, warning the dreamer.

BIRDS = Imagination: 'flights of fancy', or thoughts, ideas, which also 'fly'
about the room, or back and forth.
In a cage or with broken wings: = The imagination hemmed in or mutilated by
circumstances, drudgery, and so on.
Clipping the wings: = Restraint, mortification, possibility of
wild or fanciful but obsolete notions and values, in which case the clipping
will be a necessary preliminary to the next phases.
- Aspirations, especially the spirit soaring toward the celestial, the Divine.
Birds with wings/An unfledged or plucked bird, or an
earthbound creature: = Spiritual aspirations v. corporeal or material
considerations. In alchemy the monster, the earthbound dragon (signifying the
'prima materia') is transformed into the eagle, the goose of Hermes, or the Peacock.
- Women: 'birds'.
In a man's dream: = The Anima.
In a woman's dream: = The Self.
White/black birds: = The two aspects of the Anima or Self,
the black bird signifying the dark, neglected and shadowy side.
- Liberty: 'free as a bird'.
If the bird was a pet: = The general idea may be modified by personal
considerations, emotions. The dreamer's childhood aspirations, for example,
and what become of them.
A display of plummage: = Social refinements, or the
individual's persona, facade.
Golden-winged bird: = May have the same
significance as fire.
A high-flying bird or possibly a bird living in the upper storeys of a building:
= Soaring to the heights through awareness; a
creature that can tell of the kingdom of heaven.

Chicken. = A bird that cannot fly , and therefore the imagination
made to serve a utilitarian function. If the chickens are being kept for
their eggs, there will be more hope of future potential growth than if
they are being kept for meat.
Even when the dream isn't explicit on such subjects, the individual on waking
may be able to discover the possible fate of the creatures simply by trying to
visualise it.
Cock: = Lust: the 'cock'.

Somebody turning into a chicken: = The dreamer's unconscious believes that
person, possibly himself, to be a coward.

Crow. = Priest, who also wears black (+
COLOURS) and buries the dead, therefore death.

Dove. = The Anima.

Eagle. = Perceptiveness: 'eagle-eyed'. Awareness.
A lofty flight of the mind or spirit. The male spirit of enthusiasm. - Domination.
If the dreamer identitfies with the eagle:His own wish to dominate.
But if the dream is accompanied by anguish or dread, then this will-to-dominate
may be threatening some other, more sensitive side of the dreamer's nature.
If the dreamer feels threatened: = Somebody
else's will to dominate him.

Owl. = The departed soul of somebody who is dead,
represented by the bird's ghostly nighttime appearances and eerie cry.
- Also wisdom; or the Anima.

Peacock. = The unfolding realisation of wholeness,
because of the appearance of all the colours in it's feathers and the circular
shape of it's fanned-out tail. Also rebirth and
resurrection, dying in order to live; in alchemy the peacock has much the
same significance as the phoenix, rising renewed from the ashes.
It also plays an important role in Gnosticism; and the Pope used to be
crowned with peacock feathers.

Phoenix. = Rebirth, resurrection.
Raven. = = The Devil, who is also black and winged.
A sinister aspect of the father image. The Shadow: the first dark confused
phase of knowing the inner realm.

Wild Goose - Can move on land, water and in the air.
= The soul. Geese are the outlawed pagan divinities
of nature, and traditionally the companions of witches.

BIRTH. = It is conceivable that the experience,
and often shock, of being born registers in the unconscious and features in dreams,
in symbolic form, whenever some similar confrontation with life stirs up memories
in the depths of the mind which have never been conciously apprehended.
The images for being born may or may not be reversed; the dreamer may thus
crawl out of small holes or into small holes, come out of or go into the sea,
go along narrow canals in a small boat, into or out of tunnels, etc. Such dreams
are apt to add considerable needless anxiety to the present situation, which in
reality has very little to do with an event that was over and done with ages ago.
Therefore, it is quiet an advantage to be able to recognize such dreams and
comtemplate them, bearing firmly in mind that it happened then: however painful
the experience, it is of the past.

A Birth. - Happening or about to happen in the dream:
= Rebirth, regeneration. The wish to elevate one's life or repeat it without
the same mistakes. this theme of enlightenment and renewal- the truth remaining
valid through change-becomes particualrly meaningful toward the end of the
dreamer's life, and is more likely to crop up in dreams then: youth grows old, beauty
fades, heat cools, brightness dims, but the original spark of life that generated
them is infinite and eternal.
An embryo: = A life that as yet lacks scope or
is being stifled in some way.

BITING - Even when it looks like a frightening attack:
= An act of love. The teeth (the active male component)
enter the flesh (the female). Similtaneouslt the attacked enters the mouth
of the attacker. There may of course be a sadistic undercurrent to the love.
- 'Getting one's teeth into something;

BODY. = The individual, whether the dreamer or
somebody else, as a whole: his personality and mind as well as his body, just as the
body is in fact an outward manifestation of the inner person, but especially
his ego. As the basic frame of reverence for all experiences, the
body is the original source and fund of symbols.
The child's first conscious realisation of the world is through the body and it's
functions, which recur later in dreams as symbols of this encounter.
For the child the body is also a cipher for the fathomable, which is why much
unconscious material expresses itself in body symbolism.
The upper part of the body: = The mind; the spiritual and
platonic aspects of the character.
The lower part of the body: = The instincts.
An adult's head on a child's body: = Somebody, probably the dreamer,
who is mentally but not sexually mature.
Upper part/lower part. = Mind v. instincts.
The right side of the body:
= The upright moral side of the person concerned.
The left side, including left hand, left foot etc: = The immoral,
inferior, undeveloped aaspects of the character. The Shadow.
One part of the body may represent another: = But as is
usual in dreams, one significant or embarrassing part is represented by
something less embarrassing.
Anything pointed, such as finger, arm, tooth: = The penis.
Any normal opening in the body, such as the mouth, but also a hole in the body:
= The anus or the vagina.
A hole in the back or in the back of the hand etc: = The anus;
A hole in the front: = The vagina.
There is a tendency in dreams for displacement to occur from below upward;
therefore it is important to see if anything that happens to the chest, the head,
etc., would make more sense if applied to the genital region.Similarly, the
functions of the body are interchangeable, so that secretions such as mucus, tears,
urine: = Stool retention.

Abdomen (stomach, belly). = The place of repressed feelings, emotions,
especially angst.

Becoming fat: = Pregnancy. Fear of pregnancy may
be transferred into fear of becoming fat.

Anus (excrement). = The first infantile experiences of self-expression
and self-assertion; it has become a symbol in dreams of ego power. This may be
positive and indicate self-reliance-a legitimate reaction against held
conformism-when the community has become the destructive depersonalised mother;
the combative and marital qualities of the ego, which may in the circumstances
be necessarily for survival. More likely the dream will refer to an arrested
egotism, self-will, and defiance.
Excrement: = Something dirty:
dirty behaviour, egotistical pleasure. Also dirty fighting, egotistical strife.
The dream may be trying to indicate to the individual in striking imagery how
egotistical, childish, rebellious, and anticocial his demands are.

If the excrement is transformed into (or replaced by) living animals, possibly rats:
= The individual is beginning to master his regressive impulses.
- Money.
Playing with it: = Anxiety about money, as well as
the fear of responsibility.
Constipation - (In life as well as in dreams): = Reluctance to part with this
symbol of money: avarice.
The original raw material from which the world and man was created. Matter in
contrast with Spirit. the earth, the realm of the feminine, and therefore the Great
Mother. The realm of feeling.
Everything has a positive side to which the dreamer can turn. In order to
development emotionally and overcome repressed feelings (which are probably the
cause of his arrestedness), the dreamer can relate to the realm of feeling.
In order to overcome the Terrible Mother (who may be warping and stunting his growth),
he can relate to the Great Mother.

Evacuation: = Being delivered of worries and responsibilities,
being purged of guilt and repressions, or being liberated from inhibitions.
- The sexual act. - 'Verbal diarrhea'.
Not only was excrement supposed to contain the basic raw material from which the
alchemists were to make gold, but de Becker points out the tenous but possible
relationship between Luther's anal fixation and the capital exploitation for
which the Protestants were mainly responsible.

Blood. = Rebirth, Menstruation - The blood of Christ,
and therefore the life of the spirit as well as the body. especially lamb's or
hare's blood or blood mixed with water: communion. - 'Blood brothers':
the spirit of unity.
Bath of blood: = Baptism into maturity and manhood.
- A vital substance, therefore semen.'Bloodsucking': = Sucking out semen;
causing an emission.

Eye: = The observing and discriminating eye of
consciousness; the mind. The 'eye of God' and the 'eye of eternity'. The realm
of the masculine: the man's Self and the woman's Animus.
It is the prototype of the mandala.
Loss of eyesight. = Loss of insight and enlightenment;
loss of one eye will indicate partial loss. Also loss of sexual potency.
Regaining eyesight: = Regaining the innate wisdom of the child;
That which receives light: the open, the receptive, and therefore the feminine.
Something stuck in the eye: = Coitus.

Hair. = Pubic hair: virility.
Baldness, hair being cut, etc,:
= Loss of virility, strength: impotence.
An unreasonable fear, and therefore a fear arising from the unconscious,
often has a symbolic significance. hence fears of going bald and so on
could have more to do with anxiety about one's virility.
Hands. = The phallus. Also the ability to make things
with one's hands; creativity.
The two hands contrasted with each other,
a different object in each hand, etc:. = On the one hand,
and on the other-and the conflict between the two. The less acceptable of the
alternatives will be in the left hand.
A huge hand, especially from the sky, etc: = 'The hand of God'.

Head. = The dreamer's conscious intentions.
A blow to the head: = Those intentions receiving a blow.

Limbs. - any limbs: = The male member, the phallus.
In a man's dreams, lose of a limb: = Castration.
In a woman's dream, lose of any part of the body that is irreplaceable,
an eyelid, for example: = Loss of virginity.
In the dream of a Jewish person, loss of some part of the body:
= Circumcision, and being Jewish.
Being dismembered: = The individual's life is breaking up or is in pieces,
falling apart at the seams. This may be necessary preparation for recentering
in a new reality.
Two limbs: = Brother and sister.

Mouth. = The receptive, but also the the demanding.
The grasping, in the sense of grapping or understanding and absorbing.
The dream may point to the needs of the individual. - The feminine: yielding,
kissing female genitalia.

Nose. = Intuition. 'I smell something fishy, wrong'.
Note: Dogs or other animals that are particularly well known for their ability
to scent may be used especially to indicate this function. - The penis.

Penis. = The phallic or sexual aspects of it;s activities.
Urine: = An infantile form of sexuality. The first childish
outpouring, which later develops into sexuality. - Latent sexuality,
and therefore emotion: 'To gush with emotion.' The kidneys are known as
'the spring of feeling.'

The dream may indicate whether the individual is yielding too much to his
emotions, or bottling them up.
- Inward purging, purification, by water pouring through the system.
- Talking: 'gushing' with words, etc.

Skin. = The individual's facade or persona; a hard,
tough exterior to the world, but has so identified with the facade that he
can no longer take it off (like clothes); he has become ' thick-skinned.'.

Teeth. = Aggressive sexuality.
- The two periods when teeth do fall out: The loss of milk teeth, and therefore
all problems relating to maturing, taking on responsibility, in contrast with
remaining childish. Teeth coming out easily: = Leaving childhood behind.
- Old age. Becoming helpless or impotent; ineffectual: 'toothless.' Especially
if one is anxious about the teeth dropping out: = Fear of getting old,
undesirable, etc., as above, or anxiety about maturing.
- A regressive wish: to be helpless as a baby, which has no teeth, and is
free from sex troubles.
In women's dreams, especially if the teeth are swallowed:
= Conceiving a child: the mouth referring to the vagina and the stomach to the womb.
If the dreamer is relieved: = Something putrid,
rotten has finally been removed.
-Drilling teeth may signify coitus, the drilling being the relevant factor
while the teeth are merely incidental.

Tongue. = Penis. 'Holding the tongue':
- Keeping a secret or failling to do so.

Womb. = See 'Womb'.

BOOKS. - Especially notebooks: = Memories.

BOX. = A coffin, and therefore death and death wishes.
Death and the womb are linked symbollically, and both are places to retreat to
when the dreamer is unwilling to face some grim aspect of his life.
- Some aspect of the dreamer's life which is being confined-in the box,
boxed in-by inner restrictions or outside forces.

BREAK. - Especially breaking china or glass: = The breaking of something else in the
dreamer's life which is fragile- 'shattered' ideals, 'broken' faith, etc.-which is
often the result of a lack of equilibrium. (The custom of breaking a glass
or a plate at a wedding is to ward off this type of misfortune.)
Breaking a staff or sceptre: = Change, especially
in relation to the sexual drives, symbolised by the staff. Breaking up of things
as they are at present. It may be possible to turn what is unavoidable into a
conscious sacrifice.

BRIDGE. = A crossing: a transition between two periods
in the dreamer's life; a way across, using the conscious mind (in contrast with a
way through via the unconscious, which would be signified by a tunnel).
- Phallus: joining two bodies.


BULLDOZER (Steamroller, etc). = May be used to knock down barriers,
which are often inhibitions, or to crush people, possibly the dreamer himself,
in which case the machine will represent the crushing person or force.

BURIED ALIVE. = The experiences of being born, which has
only registered by the unconscious - An unwholesome relationship with
the motehr that is stifling the individual. - Difficulty in breathing;
the dream may refer to some illness, asthma for example.

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