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Most buildings in dreams have much the same significance as the
house, as well as much the same features: windows, doors etc.

THE HOUSE. = The human body and presonality. Just as a man is often
identified with his house, which is supposed to reveal his character, so in
dreams the house often represents the dreamer.

Anything in the house: = Something in the dreamer.

Someone else in the house: = Some unrecognised aspect of the
dreamer's character.

The front of the house: = The dreamers facade, or the
'front' he presents to the world.

Outside the house: = A realm beyond the limits of what
is personal: everything outside the dreamer.

Going into/out of the house: = Being an introvert
v. being an extrovert.

The openings in the house (windows, doors, etc.): = May correspond
to the openings in the body.

Upstairs, room upstairs, including loft, attic, etc.:
= The brain or conscious mind.

The lower part, including basement, cellars, etc.: = The
instincts and the unconscious.

Lectures or discussions may take place upstairs while dancing or
gymnastics are going on downstairs, and the dreamer may be torn between the two:
= Intellectual life v. passions.If the noise of the dancing is drowning the lecture:
= The intellect is being threatened.If the voice upstairs are not clearly discernable:
= The conscious mind is only beginning to understand, is not yet clear.

- The home, and possibly the mother in particular.

Work on the house, cementing, repairing, etc.: = Work on family relations;
attempts to repair emotional rifts.

Moving to a larger house: = A craving for space or for a more
expansive way of life.

A small house especially, or the house where the dreamer was born:
= The mother's body, especially the womb; perhaps a regressive fantasy
to evade current problems.

- Stable domestic life. Civilization and civilized attitudes.
To the rootless nomadic wanderers, when building and houses have this
particular significance, they appear as a trap and a nightmare. Men are more apt
to be restless in this respect than women, and this part of themselves often
has to escape the house, for a while at least.

Buildings/waste areas or Construction/demolition: = The creative v.
the destructive elements in the dreamer.

An impressive, awe-inspiring house: = The 'house' of the soul,
the Self.

BALCONY. (Or ledge, sill etc.): = The mother's breast.
Especially if accompanied by a feeling of of bliss, while leaning on it,
enjoying the wonderful view, etc.: = A romantic desire to regress to
babyhood rather than continue on in life.

DOORS. = An opening in the body. The front door:
= Vagina, female genitalia. Arches: = The pubic arch.
Breaking down the door, especially if the lock is broken and the door can't be
closed again: = Defloration.

Opening and closing the door: = Intercourse, though
the dreamer has a somewhat mechanical attitude to it. .

Being too weak to open the door: = A waning life impulse;
being too ill to make love.

- The threshold of the mind and the inner life. Doors to new
understanding and awareness.

A door between the outer room and the inner rooms:
= The way from conscious to unconscious processes.

- Ways in, and therefore the means of being of being attacked and overpowered,
or in any way discovered.

Barring the door: = A means of self protection,
perhaps unnecessary.

If an animal or person forces his way in, and destroys the lock:
= That particular form of self-protection (possibly childish) wasn't adequate
and is in any case no longer available to the dreamer.

- A way out: a means of escape.

Escaping by another door: = The dreamer has got
the better of the situation.

- A gateway leading toward or away from the individual's redemption, salvation.

Knocking on the door: = 'Knock and ye shall enter.'

ELEVATOR. - Going up and down in the elevator:
= A similar action within the body, therefore coitus.

An elevator ascending: = May be bringing contents from the
unconscious up into the conscious mind.

Descending and getting stuck: = Burial and therefore death.

HALL = Vagina.

PASSAGES. - These may be long and dark or get narrower as the dreamer goes along them:
= Returning to the womb, or being born.

ROOM. = The woman as mother, because both are capable of
containing a human being. The womb. And if radiant, the Great Mother.

A small room with only one door, a basement with water in it:
= May help to emphasize the fact that the dream is referring to the womb.

A series of rooms: = A series of women.

- The chambers of the mind, the psyche, the soul.

Anything in an upstairs room: = An idea.

The basement or cellar: = The unconscious.

If the squareness of the room is particularly noticed:
= The wholeness of the inner psyche.

Leaving one room and entering the next: = Dying.

Empty rooms: = Empty days.

STAIRS. - Climbing the stairs: = A series of rhythmical movements
with increasing breathlessness, therefore coitus, which also may be what is
likely to take place in the bedroom at the top of the stairs.
- 'Moving upstairs': promotion.

Going downstairs: = Could be to collect provisions or
to delve into the unconscious.

WALLS. - Walls closing in: = Birth Contractions.

A brick wall, rampart, or fortress wall, etc: = The dark dividing wall
between the individual and reality, the apparent impossibility of
going on-being 'up against the wall'.

WINDOWS. = Eyes are the 'windows to the soul'
The means by which we look outward, assess reality, etc.

Looking through a window: = The dreamer's outlook on the world:
notice the view, whether bleak, cold and dark, or sunlit and attractive.

Opening a window: = Giving vent to one's urges, a
means of escape to wider horizons, as well as a way of letting in a breath of
fresh air, which may consist of outside opinion.

- Female genitalia, especially if the window is on the ground floor front.
Breaking through such a window (or glass door):
= Defloration.

Stained-glass windows: = The pattern of the dreamer's life.
If illuminated by sunlight: = The conscious light thrown on it.

OTHER BUILDINGS. - with particular features that don't apply to buildings in general:
= (If the building seems to resemble some other edifice, it may represent that other
edifice in the dream: thus a house or courtyard that looks a bit like a
church may represent a church in the dream).

BOARDING HOUSE: = Marriage, an aspect of which is
bed and breakfast.

CASTLE, FORTRESS, CITADEL. = Woman, but at her
most formidable, imprednable.

- The 'fortress of knowledge', which may also have to be
stormed and plundered.

The courtyard: = A place of seclusion and safety, often in contrast
with a region of danger and fear outside.

CHURCH (Including crosses, candlesticks, etc.). = The appropriate background
for ideas about the altruistic moral and religious instinct. The individual's
idealism may also be repressed, giving rise to a conflict that may not be acknowledged,
but that still expresses itself in dreams. And because of his refusal to face
this conflict, the setting may be the only clue as to what the dream is really about.

Desecrating a church (by drinking in it, holding a party there, etc.):
= Violating the religious instinct or something else (or someone)
the dreamer ought to respect.

- A place of peace and refuge: possibly the mother or the Self.

- A place of baptism, therefore of rebirth.

CITY. = The community.

The dreamer's whereabouts in the city and attitude to it:
= His position within the community and relationship with it.

- The Mother Archetype; the city harbors it's inhabitants like children.

A square in the town or city, especially if the dreamer doesn't know it,
so that it's abstract shape is more important than any particular associations:
= Quaternity, the whole Self.

IGLOO. = Womb.

PYRAMIDS: = Womb (though it certainly must
have other associations).

TEMPLE = 'The temple of the soul': the Self.

TOWER. (obelisk,steeple, lighthouse, etc.):
= May be a distorted image of the phallus; may signify male potency that hasn't
been consciously acknowledged and that the dreamer has not yet dared to
face-possibly for good reasons. The images may help the dreamer understand
the inner creative meaning of these forces.

The tower: = 'A tower of strength': therefore somebody
who impresses the dreamer as such: a man of substance, authority.
Or, a tower of faith.

The lighthouse: = Warning: saving from the rocks and guiding
safely to port. Possibly the church to which the dreamer belonged in his youth.

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