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You know how in "Growltiger's Last Stand", Ghengis gave the signal? Well, in T.S. Eliot's writings, he called "Ghengis" Gilbert. I guess they changed it because Ghengis seemed more feirce.
Gilbert is mainly only in Japan, now. He is alot like Pouncival and Tumlebrutus (or Carbucketty and Bill Bailey). He's another playful kitten who likes to tease Bustopher Jones. In fact, I think he actually bit his tail in one production!
Every cat has different make-up in every production (at least a slite change). But Gilbert always has spikes over his right eye. So he'll be easy to find!
I don't know of him having any lines-he wasn't on the video (as you have already noticed).
Go here for more pictures of Gilbert
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