Flash and animation sites!!


Ninjai, the little ninja

Presstube Not for Netscape

Official All Your Base Site

Mad Blast

Ghetto Airline

Distant Corners


Stick Death

New Grounds

Nobody Here

Joe Cartoon

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Creative Fun

I really enjoy interesting flash sites. I see all kinds of sites but the ones I have links to here are some of the best. One of them doesn't work with netscape, so get IE.

Go to Ninjai.com and check out the little ninja. Do all the episodes in order. You may have to do a couple of restarts of your computer because it does fill up the memory. Believe me, it's worth the effort. The art is terrific and the story is strong.

I have been hearing about the All My Base phenomenom for some time. This is the link to the official site. Take a look at both versions.

The other sites are more interactive. You will get more involved than just watching them.

Distant Corners is a portal site that takes you to some extremly strange corners indeed! New Grounds is another portal site with some good original work as well. Give them both a look.

Ghetto Airline is a parody aimed at Delta.

Mad Blast is a George W. and Colin Powell parody of Day!O!, about Bin Laden of course.

Stick Death is very good, very edgy. If you are easily offended of have 'weak stomach' then stay away.

Nobody Home is one of those sites you will just have to figure out for your self. It's artistic, it is.