Table of Contents


Your host!

Discussion boards

Must haves



Anonymous surfing and internet privacy


Sites that make us go 'HMMM'

Tweak UI

Space Exploration


The Imprisoning of America

Other Personal Sites

History: Pearl Harbor

Puzzles and Tests


Art and Museums


Temporary SW brackets


How I recovered from hard drive failure.

A bit about some of the reommended programs.

The Rules...for cats and men.

Things Men Want Women to Know.

The Clock of the Long Now.

An appeal to all reasonable people.

A Guide to Fort Badger

Find it here, maybe.

This page will eventually be an aid to navigating to where ever you want to go. I am learning as I go so the pages I made last look better than the ones I made first. I have to work on that.

That picture of me is from last winter, I have shaved since summer started. I will try to get a decent picture of someone up there and claim it's me.

I am trying a discussion board again. The last one just didn't work well with angelfire. I am hoping to have better luck with this one. Leave me a note.

Must haves are just what the name implies.That link is to programs and utilities that I consider the minimum you need to protect your computer.

Useful is just that, links to things that I think most of you will find as handy as I do.

Flash animations are just plain creative fun! I have links to a few of my favorites.

For some people, the only freedom available is the freedom of anonymity.

My favorite games. I play a lot of games, but am always open to a trying a new one.

Some sites just plain make you wonder whats up with these people? Maybe they have too much time on their hands. Sites to make you go 'hmmm'.

I feel very strongly about the subject of prison reform and changes in our judicial system that allow alternatives to locking up non-violent offenders.

Tweak UI is a powerful utility that lets you change many of the things on your desktop without a registry hack. Be careful useing it and enjoy!

I believe it is required to put some embarassing pictures of family members on your site isn't it? Be sure to give them all a look.

This is a guide to the best way to be prepared for, and recover from a hard drive failure. Or I guess I should just say, this worked for me and these are the lessons I learned.

This page talks about some of the recommended links. And gives some ideas for use.

These are the rules, for cats, and for men. I'd rather be a cat. Also check the things men want women to know. On the same page are 10 things you will never hear a woman say.

An appeal to all reasonable people. A resolution against the immoral and ineffective 'War On Drugs'.

Check out these links to some silly, and not so silly, tests and puzzles. Good luck, show us what you're made of.

Other Personal sites are just that. Links to sites of other people who have good(In my opinion) personal sites like mine. People who are so enthusiastic about something that they want to share it with the world. Take a minute, (or longer) and give them a look.

The Library: I have added this page of learning, and reference links. I have located various learning and research sources for people through time and here are some of the most useful and informational ones. Clicking 'Online Art and Museums' from this page will take you to my newest page, a collection of links to various art sites available online. I have links to books online, mostly classics because they are in the public domain. In addition, I have just added a music and lyrics section. Give it a look!!