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Vanessa At the Park!!

(with Mommy)

Disclaimer:  In some pictures you might notice that Vanessa has something on the side of her face, that is a flower.  There was a party at school and the kids all got their faces painted.  The party also accounts for the dirt, cake and unknown substances on her clothes.

At least we can tell she had fun!

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Isn't she cute! Cheesy smile. She's getting hand off the chain.
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Our little dare devil. Look at her go! (Mind you, this taller than she is.) Can you believe she's 2?  Not only did she get this far but she climbed to the the top and then on to the playset.
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She's swinging again, but this time the swing is blue.  It's a totally different experience. Here we go again with the tongue. Okay...she knows that she's going up the wrong way, but somehow this is more fun than sliding down.
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Just a quick break! Now she's just being silly and trying to pose for the camera. Here is actually dancing and singing on top of this play set.  Without a care in the world.
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Look at me I'm sliding. I'm sliding again! Look I'm sliding again. (This time she decided to tried to put her hands in the air.)
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This is probably the 17th time she went down the slide.  And if she had her way I would have had a picture for each time she slid down. She decided that she needed to smell this flower. Okay...she is actually attempting to fly here.  Crazy girl!
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On our way to the fountain and she had to stop and pick some flowers. She wanted a picture with this pole.  Don't ask why...I have no clue. And here's Vanessa at the fountain.  Our last picture and the end of our time at the park.

[Vanessa's Bath] Vanessa's School ] [ At the Park ] Silly Vanessa ] Another Bath ] Camping at the Beach ] Vanessa's Birthday ] Birthday at Chuck E. Cheese ] [Disneyland]


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