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This is Vanessa's school!!

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This is Vanessa with the Chickens.  The bunny and chickens are one of her most favorite things at school. That is a bunny cage behind Vanessa, he's hiding (camera shy).  And as you can see Vanessa likes to take the playground home with her. This is the one side of the yard, Vanessa loves this big tree and the kids have all enjoyed chasing squirrels up into it. This is the back of the yard.  They are working on putting in a new swing set in the back were the plastic slides are.
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Vanessa and some of the other kids at her school. Okay...they wanted me to take another here it is.    

[Vanessa's Bath] [ Vanessa's School ] At the Park ] Silly Vanessa ] Another Bath ] Camping at the Beach ] Vanessa's Birthday ] Birthday at Chuck E. Cheese ] [Disneyland]


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