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Pictures: Friends

My friends from the bank
My friends from the bank I worked for from 1997 to 1988. From left to right: Gaby, myself, Ingrid, and Luis.
The Guild
This is the gang. We called ourselves "The Guild" because of the Spacing Guild from Frank Herbert's novel "Dune".
From left to right: myself, Gerardo, Pedro, Charly, my sister Ana and my brother Juan Carlos. The only other member missing is Marcelo.
Art auction
In this picture my brother and friends show the art pieces they purchased at an art auction in which my sister participated. My brother and I liked the painting in the middle because it looked like a Van Gogh.
Yuriko's painting
Here is Yuriko, the artist who painted our "Van Gogh".
The original IT Team at RDS
This is the original IT Team at Axiem (formerly RDS), the company I work for in Queretaro. From left to right: Juan Jose (a.k.a. "J.J."), Gerardo (Gerry), Milthon (Mil), Jose Juan (Pepi), myself, and Fernando (Fer). Now I'm the only one left of the original team, the rest of them have gone somewhere else to work (hey, that's scary).
(October 3, 2002)
The new IT Team
This is the new IT Team. From left to right: Hugo*, Fernando*, Ignacio*, myself, Gabriel, Karina, Ivette*, Juan Jose*, Miguel*, Alejandro*, Jahir* and Gerardo* (Those marked with an asterisk no longer work at aXiem)
(May 22, 2003)
The current IT Team
This is the current IT Team. From left to right: Claudia, Rodolfo, Ivette*, Sergio*, Angeles, Nestor, Ana Patricia, myself, Karina and Juan Gabriel (Those marked with an asterisk no longer work at aXiem) (November, 2004)
The last picture
This it the last picture of the IT Team I have. From left to right: Karina S, Karina R, myself, Monica*, Nestor, Claudia, Ana Patricia, and Rodolfo* in the front.
We took this picture on the roof of the company's building the last day we worked there before moving to another place, and this was also Monica's last day at work.
The three pictures above have the original comment I wrote while still working at Axiem, but on July 18, 2006 I moved to another company in Aguascalientes, 350Kms North-East of Queretaro.
Susma and I
My friend Susma from India and myself at a Thai restaurant in Greenville, SC.
The Barbiers
This is the Barbier family. I spent a wonderful time with them when I lived in Greenville. Unfortunately Matt and Anna, his daughter, died in a terrible accident a couple of days before Christmas 2003. Crystal and Caleb still live in Greenville.
Chu-Chu and Iimages/friends/DSC00567_t.jpgimages/friends/DSC00567_t.jpg
My best friend Chu-Chu and myself at her birthday party.