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Pictures: Pets

Gorda sleeping
My cat "La Gorda" sleeping. She's a half-breed siamese.
Gorda sleeping
Another angle of "La Gorda" taking a nap.
Gorda wearing a sweater
"La Gorda" wearing a wool sweater (she hates it)
My brother's dog "Milka"
"Milka" is my brother's dog. My brother and his wife rescued her from being ran-over. They didn't  know what to do with her, so they took her home and now she lives happy with my brother's in-laws.
Milka ready to get her shots "Milka" is ready to get her shots.
Cats under Christmas tree
My two cats under the Christmas tree. In the foreground is "La Gorda", and in the background is "Zita", her daughter.
Zita on the couch
This is "Zita", "Gorda"'s daughter. She's also a half-breed siamese. Her grandmother was a beautiful black cat.
Nikki posing
This is "Nikki". She arrived home on January 22, 2007.  She lives with me in Aguascalientes, my other two cats live in Toluca.
Nikki peeking
Nikki's really cute, the vet told me she's half-siamese.