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Pictures: Places

At the Centennial Park in Atlanta, GA
At the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, GA.
At the park
Sitting in a bench in the park.
My travel mates
My travel mates. From left to right: Veronica, Luis, Cindy, Vania, Karina and myself.
Fountain The Olympic Rings fountain.
The High Museum
The High Museum in downtown Atlanta. I had the chance to see some of Van Gogh's paintings.
My apartment in Greenville
The apartment where I lived in Greenville, SC. I was there for almost 6 months.
Plaza "Gonzalez Arratia" in Toluca This is the "Plaza Gonzalez Arratia" in downtown Toluca, my hometown.
Plaza "Gonzalez Arratia"
Another view of the same plaza.
A temple in San Miguel de Allende
A big Catholic church in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.
The Cosmovitral in Toluca
This is the "Cosmovitral" in Toluca, built on what used to be a popular market in the 50s and 60s, and then was transformed into a botanic garden in the late 70s. The stained-glass windows are the work of a local artist named Leopoldo Flores.