Quality Assurance     
Project Management     
Data Analysis     
     Technical Writing      
Software Training     
      Application Development
P R O J E C T         M A N A G E M E N T
Project Management Seminar - Rockhurst University (2 day seminar - 2005)
PNC Bank
- Consultant / Project Manager - CRC Conversion Project
Capital Recover Corporation (CRC) project consisted of a system conversion from an independent system to PNC's mainframe system. The project also included downloads from the system into Microsoft Access to produce Lotus Notes reports.
- Weekly meetings were conducted between key managers and IT department to outline initial project phase, develop system specifications, determine task deadlines, and track project progress.
- Responsible for development of test scripts and tracking tools to monitor data integrity at each implementation phase.
- Conducted preliminary tests for data integrity, initially these tests were run monthly but ran more frequently as deadline for pilot testing approached.
- Liaison between end users and MIS department in reporting system problems during pilot testing, system implementation, and post-implementation.
- Maintained an Access database to load data to produce reports in Lotus Notes.
- Consultant / Project Manager - WBW Reporting System
Wholesale Warehouse Banking System (WBW) produced monthly reports for department heads monitoring all financial transactions with PNC. The systems primary purpose was to accumulate data from all computerized systems within PNC and produce market reports to track all financial data.
- Responsible for monthly reconciliation of the system and produced audit tracking system to produce preliminary results three days before month end. This allowed IT programmers to research any discrepancies prior to month end reporting.
- Created a database to track all report distribution and monitored all changes.
- Liaison between end users and IT department for any report discrepancies.
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