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Amelia Grace

born asleep at 29 weeks
January 15, 1999 at 10:37 pm
weighing 3 pounds, 5 ounces

Our precious Amelia
our sweet little angel
You were here only a moment
but you have touched our lives forever
Why you couldn't stay with us
we may never know the reason
We only know the heartbreak
of having another angel in Heaven
We will forever love you
and keep you close in our hearts
Thank you, sweet angel
for blessing our lives with your presence

~Love Mommy & Daddy

Angel Child

In my mind's eye I can see her,
A gust of wind ripples through golden ringlets,
Blue eyes dance as a wide smile crosses her face,
A dimple indents her warm pink cheek.

Laughing, she claps her chubby hands
While her silver and white wings flutter behind.
She takes one step; then another,
Forward through the grass,
Which shimmers with a radiance I have not seen before.

Her pace increases until her feet barely touch the ground.
At the edge of the deep green grass,
A white sandy beach spreads before her.

She looks first one way, then another
Foamy turquoise water tosses fragments of seashells at her feet.
Other angel-children cavort in the water,
Shrieking with delight...splashing each other,
So that sparkling drops of water shine on their wings and
Golden halos hovering over them.

Then, she sees them.
The three come forward, smiles lighting their eyes
She laughs again, a silver laugh of pure delight.

Their hands meet...and clasp
They turn as one and move away,
Skipping, running, flying...faster and faster
Their wings stream behind them,
Until the four are a distant mote in the deep blue sky.

© Jennifer Junker

Sunflowers planted in Amelia's memory

Our last goodbye
Should be as beautiful
And perfect
As you are to me.
Our last goodbye
Will remain inscribed upon my heart
Until the day I die.

© 1999, Joanne Cacciatore

Please visit my brother DJ's Memorial Page

Please visit my sister Emma's Memorial Page

Please visit my brother Jaden's Memorial Page

Please visit my sister Ryleigh's Memorial Page

Please visit my newest angel~sibling Avery's Memorial Page

Heaven's Hope Graphics