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Jaden Ian Derek
miscarried at 15 weeks
October 2, 1999 at 1:26 am
weighing 4.2 ounces

Tulips planted in Jaden's Memory.

Dear Jaden,

My sweet son, I want you to know how much I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts, my chest aches. You were so tiny. I was scared to hold you. But I did. I held you for a long time, trying to remember every tiny part of you. As I held you, my tears fell onto your translucent skin. You were so tiny that you fit into my hand. I don't remember how long I held you, but it was a long time. Time seemed to stop while you were in my hands. During that time I thought of all the things we should've been able to do together. I wanted to be able to teach you how to say "Daddy", how to play golf and baseball. I wanted to buy you your first pupy and to teach you how to care for it. I wanted to spend quiet Saturdays with you, just playing together the way daddies and sons do. Until the moment that I held you I didn't have these hopes and dreams, but holding you brought them all out. Seeing you so still and quiet made losing you such a stark reality. The reality of broken dreams, broken hopes, and plans. When the doctor told us that you were a boy, I was so happy, yet so heartbroken. So happy that I had another son but heartbroken because again I would never do the things with you that a daddy and his son should be able to do together. I will always remember the moments that I held you, Jaden. I will always remember you. You will always be my little boy. My little boy that I love and miss with all my heart. God Bless you, my son.

Love always,

The Bear
© David Kellin

When I held you, so tiny, so small
Fragile you rested in my heands
I was afraid I would break you
I moved like carrying a feather
That would blow away at the slightest breeze

You are gone now and yet
That memory of your size
Lingers on
In a small, blue, bear-shaped rattle
Just your size
I the palm of my hand
I held that bear today and tears fell
Across my crowded desk
Behind the closed door
At work, alone with your memory
Just a minute that seemed forever
We touch in soul again

I miss you my dear son
And no stuffed animal can compare
To my desire to hold you and love you
Forever and evermore

I have to go back to work now
And put your memory on hold
I have to fullfil my obligations
And keep the family whole

Will you forgive me
For putting work first
I do it only for the workday
And leave it at the door
But I have to work and
I can't sit and reminisce
About the moments that
I was with you

The bear sits watching
From atop the rack of books
Ever mindful of the child
That it represents
I think of you often as I work
Through every day
Keeping the honor going
As I do this for your sake

Our last goodbye
Should be as beautiful
And perfect
As you are to me.
Our last goodbye
Will remain inscribed upon my heart
Until the day I die.

© 1999, Joanne Cacciatore

Please visit my brother DJ's Memorial Page

Please visit my sister Emma's Memorial Page

Please visit my sister Amelia's Memorial Page

Please visit my sister Ryleigh's Memorial Page

Please visit my newest angel~sibling Avery's Memorial Page

Heaven's Hope Graphics