By Weird Archives

57. Buffy saying "Oh, Be-have!" after staking a vampire.
58. Willow using artificial flavors in her Wicca herbs.
59. Oz taking a dump.
60. Xander being trendy.
61. Three little words: SAINT MOTHER CORDELIA!
62. Wes and Giles getting piss drunk.
63. Angel in Vietnam.
64. Amy leading a revolt of mice at a lab.
65. Dru and Spike at a Peter, Paul and Mary concert.
66. The Master saying "I'm tired of the same ol'thing. I want a pizza with extra pepperoni."
67. The Annoited One wanting ice cream.
68. The Annoited One wanting Legos.
69. The Annoited One wanting to renew his contract with Fox.

By Lydia & Cathren

(these are things that could never happen on Buffy, but they are on their own list Ways for Buffy to End

70. Buffy continues to fight vampires and slay demons and lives to the ripe old age of 75. (Her walker doubles as a stake)
71. On the same vein of number 1, except that instead there is a spin-off with the descendents of the Scooby Gang are: the Hacker, the Slacker, the Watcher, the Slayer, the Werewolf, depressed Vampire (Well actually he’s the same character just a different actor) and a the head Cheerleader/May Queen. In this manner the show never ends… especially when there’s syndication.
72. Buffy has to fight the devil that is in a strange twist of irony, John Tesh.
73. Angel is magically transformed into a human only to have Buffy realize she loved Snyder all along. Undaunted, Angel and Xander are finally able admit their secret liaison, and everyone lives happily ever after.
74. Giles and Buffy leave for Las Vegas to open an Office Supply shop where they run into Spike who is now a stripper.
75. After Angel goes to Broadway (He meant to go to LA but he didn’t ask for directions) to fulfil his dreams. Buffy realizes that she too can be an actress and starts an illustrious career in Slasher movies directed by the creator of Dawson’s Creek.
76. Everyone turns out to be a deranged, ultra-conservative branch of the KKK and the Feds get permission to call in an airstrike.
77. Larry’s "coming out" kills the show's humor because of "heart-warming moments" forced into every episode.
78. Everyone gets sick of slaying demons so they move to Jamaica.
79. Mel Gibson leads a huge army of Scottish Rebels to slaughter the town.
80. The creator sacrifices their show- destroying the town in the final, cataclysmic stages of demonic destruction in hopes of prompting us to prevent it for real... nah
81. Soap Opera fans are actually attracted by the "weekly shocking discoveries" that infest the show. (Will Buffy defeat the vampires? Will Xander admit he loves Willow? Will Angel stop brooding for one minute? And WHERE did all the jelly doughnuts go? Tune in next week Buffy the Vampire Slayer to find out.)
stupid to make money (Not that I hate her or the earlier Vampire Chronicles). While matching Spike for Lestat, Angel for Louis and Drucilla for Claudia is entertaining, when you consider her later works who wants to see her scripts?
83. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Undead Americans sues the show and wins. (Although there is some discussion about foul play and a right wing conspiracy when it is discovered that the entire cast and crew suffered “neck erupture.” )
84. Everyone demands a 3-D episode, and with the current budget, that episode leads to bankruptcy
85. The world finds out "The Postman" was filmed there and the whole town is torched in a minute.
86. The group realizes that they are on television being manipulated by a 30-year-old with a sadistic mind and a penchant for camp (better known as Joss Whendon) and the set out to the real world to beat the crap out of him and insult his mother.
87. Buffy tragically dies as slayers often do and while everyone is attending the wake, an overjoyed Snyder throws a “Thank God Summers is finally Dead Party.” Unfortunately for him not only is he the only one at the party but in a moment of pure poetic justice a gigantic asteroid land on top of his new toupee. So in the end Buffy did not die in vain.
88. We all stop watching Buffy, after realizing the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers was the better show all along. * Hmmm I think I ate too many jelly doughnuts. *
89. In one bizarre ep Giles wears a Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops, Buffy becomes a Zen Buddhist and can't use violence. Angel watches South Park and likes it, Willow becomes a stripper, Faith wears a pink frilly dress, Wesley starts singing to rap music and becomes a major hit in Sweden, Cordelia joins the Chess club, Xander becomes a drag Queen and Oz fights his addiction to diet pills. Unfortunately these actions result in everyone spontaneously combusting and the show falls to pieces.
90. Oz turns out to be the pizza boy with a lot of time on his hands who has been feeding everyone (including Joss) LSD in their jelly doughnuts.

By Serenity, slayerette0, sneakerpimp, Willow321, headcase, & rose

91. Buffy decides not to kill anymore vampires because they're just misunderstood.
92. Giles says "Books? What on earth are they good for?"
93. Xander says "Books? They're great."
94. Willow spells Trigonometry as "Tregonometri"
95. Oz's torrid love affair with a poodle
96. Buffy's Mom turns out to have a 140+ IQ
97. Buffy realises her name is short for Bufferina
98. Gile's sudden fancy in Marilyn Manson
99. Angel says "Thank you Xander for being my friend"
100. Buffy's Mother is not Buffy's mum at all, but is Buffy's long lost sister who suffers from amnesia
101. Giles is actually Willow's son.
102. Willow gets a C- on a Chemistry test.
103. Xander gets an A+ for all his subjects.
104. Xander becomes Student of The Year
105. Cordelia wins the Miss congeneality award!!
106. Faith wakes up and wants to join a convent
107. Giles comes to school in swimming trunks
108. Cordelia cuts school to help the homeless.
109. Willow's discreet nightjob is as a door-to-door hooker
110. Buffy learns to respect Giles
111. Buffy gets beaten up by Xander
112. Principle Synder decides to open a preschool
113. Cordelia breaks a nail AND doesn't care.
114. Cordelia wears orange shoes and a blue dress.
115. People actually notice that Sunnydale's population is dwindling
116. Everyone will think Sunnydale is Normal.
117. Giles falls in Love with Angel.
118. Faith falls in Love with Giles.
119. The council throws a party for Buffy!
20. Giles is awarded Watcher of the Year.
121. Willow is really Buffy's Aunt.
122. Xander is really a very old vampire. Older then Angel!
123. Oz's favorite show is Muffy the Amplifer Layer.
124. Oz's real name is the Wizard.
125. All vampires die when they eat pretzels!
126. Willow is a Nitro Girl.
127. Buffy weighs 200 pounds.
128. Oz turns into a dog
129. Cordelia is the new Slayer.
130. Kendra comes back from the dead and is like" Yo since this is the only shirt i own, well its got blood on it. Could you wash it?"
131. Angel is really Buffy's Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather
132. Faith doesn't shop at "Ho's-R-Us"
133. Oz is allergic to fur
134. Oz isn't potty-trained
135. Willow becomes an intern at the White House
136. Angel gets morning breath
137. Buffy gets vamped
138. Oz is the spokesperson for Kibbles'N'Bits
139. Buffy DOESN'T save the world
140. Oz will turn into a werewolf that actually looks like a werewolf.
141. Amy will be in more than one episode of Buffy in her "human" Form.
142. Giles will say a line without mumbling
143. Buffy will not get upset over something
144. There will not be a demon/vampire in the opening scene
145. They will show a whole segment without putting commercials at the most dramatic part
146. Oz snaps and goes on a mad killing spree
147. Willow snaps and goes on a killing spree.
148. Giles snap and goes on a killing spree.
149. Giles reveals that he is actually American.
150. Giles reveals that he is actually a woman
151. Cordelia falls in love with principle Snyder of her own free will.
152. Principle Snyder decides to settle down with a wife and 15 children.
153. Cordelia gives up all her worldly possessions and goes to live in a cave.
154. Willow becomes the background dancer for Oz's band.
155. Xander turns into a witch.
156. Cordelia remembers how Xander put together that bomb launcher thingy, and blows up the mayor's building.
157. Cordelia will be a singer.
158. Giles and Buffy get married.
159. Willow realises one day that she's wasting her time with Buffy and leaves (at least I hope not)
160. Buffy will die(while the show is still on, she could die of old age)(dies for good: no Xander-bring-backage).
161. Buffy gets pregnant and still fights vamps.
162. Buffy decides to kill all her friends.
163. Buffy's mum is the new slayer.
164. Dana International is the new slayer.
165. The Spice Girls turn up and are really vampires.
166. Aliens abduct the whole of Sunnydale (although that might happen!).
167. Mulder and Scully visit and decide there's so much to catalogue that they move there permanently.
168. Everyone in Sunnydale is blown up with a nuclear missile.
169. Xander falls in love with Buffy's mum.
170. Buffy and the gang get roles in Baywatch.
171. Jenny comes back and falls in love with Xander.
172. Jenny comes back and falls in love with Principle Snyder.
173. Kendra comes back and falls in love with Principle Snyder.
174. Buffy is revealed as an alien.
175. Buffy is Principle Snyder's mum.
176. Principle Snyder is Buffy's real dad.
177. Principle Snyder is Xander's brother.
178. Spike realises that he was in love with Angel all along.
179. Spike accidentally goes out during the day and discovers that he is not a vampire.
180. Spike is Willow's great,great, grandmother.
181. Drusilla is Giles' wife.
182. Xander becomes a Watcher.
183. Giles discovers a miracle coffee that cures all known diseases.
184. Willow goes to work in a fast food joint because no one else would employ her.
185. Xander becomes a nuclear physicist.
186. Giles becomes a Chippendale.
187. Oz opens a beauty parlour.
188. Angel rents Cruel Intentions and says, "That Katie girl reminds me of Darla"
189. Joss makes an appearance as Buffy's new boyfriend
190. !!!!!!!!!!!!Buffy and Xander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hey, the Duchess resents that! B/X love baby!)
191. Buffy gets pregnant
192. A couple has sex, and the one who wasn't a virgin doesn't turn evil.
193. A vampire speaks with a Transylvanian accent.
194. Spike becomes a nun.
195. Xander becomes a nun.
196. Xander saves Sunnydale from a monster by finding out that it is allergic to jelly donuts.
197. Cordelia goes for the grunge look.
198. Cordelia becomes an astronaut.
199.Willow joins Metallica.
200.The Anointed One comes back and is actually Giles' grandfather.
201.Principle Snyder changes his name to Kermit Hogwash.
202.The Order of Taraka become cheerleaders.
203. Willow becomes a cheerleader.
204. Angel's real name is Bruce Wayne and he is Batman.
205. Cordelia joins the Rolling Stones.
206. Drusilla is the new Slayer.
207. Buffy falls in love with Spike.
208. Giles gets vamped.
209. Xander becomes Mayor.
210. Xander becomes President.
211. Xander has an accident with a plastic surgeon and ends up looking like Leonardo DiCaprio.
212. Giles has an affair with Monica Lewinsky.
213. Giles' real name is Ka-el and he is Superman.
214. Giles becomes a Hell's Angel.
215. Buffy becomes an archeologist.

