Family, Plethora, Christel, Adventures, More, ME, Etc,

Friends are the true treasures of life!!!
They are what can keep you young or drive you old, without friends the world is barren but with them the world seems endless!

This is a page of fun, whether it be of weird pics of me, or just poses with friends.

Its Becca, my girl who is now all the way in New Mexico, so far away from me Oh well. She hates this picture anyway because her eyes look all squinty She likes to call me her boyfriend which of course I go along with, I mean look at her, who wouldnt!

its Aleia, the girl with communication problems, like as in never calling me! But I am her "gay" pal Jay, at least to her father. I guess I will forgive her at least for now, but we'll see about later.

Its Anna during the Spring of 2000, the epitome of the word "fag hag", but thats another story, do we really need to go into that? We are about to see Drew Damon the porn star, and that night just became a story itself. So many stories with this girl, I wonder how is her flavor of the month is this time, hmmm?

Halloween of 2000. Pimp Daddy(me) with Motty(Marisol) the fallen angel, and her cohort the devil aka Nikki.

Okay what are we doing outside chucks place of employment, when any minute some parent could see us and scream "The children, for god sakes the children!!" But its all in fun, when Chris and I get togther, this was back in Janurary, right before she left me once again.
