My Sassy Black Girl

Home, Family, Friends, Christel, Etc, ME,

This is a page about Christel, pronounced Chris-Stal, like the expensive drink. Only in this case the cheap version.

Summer of 2000, not long before Christel left me. Just a night at Caesars to watch our friends and other drag queens.

Same summer I believe, right before I went to Canada, the girl goes through hair styles, but she never listens to me.

Just chillin in my backyard with my mom during the summer of 2000, our last summer to live together.

Uhhmmm, Can we say the epitome of gay, an embarassing photo to say the least. Of course Chris just looks psycho in it, so I guess that somes consilation.

Just a day at Milenium, on Gay Day at Cedar Point with Chris and Derek.
