The Never Ending Series of Friends

Home, Family, Friends, ETC, More, ME,

If I only showed like three friends on, that would show that one I am just too picky, two that I aint that social, or three I mentally deranged nad I forced these people in the pictures by way of some deadly weapon.

Just a quiet moment with Andrea at Aunt Maria's, right before Christmas as the Tree in the background indicates.

I still think this is one of the best pics Mike has, though he begs to differ, he's just so young in it and I even give him handsome.

Sara and Deacon in what appears to be a pouty, I am bitch moods.

Last time I was together with all of us from the old posse, Angie on the left and Beth on the right.

the night of my high school reunion, Cathy(left), Jen(Left), and Anna(taking the picture) decided to hit the clubs in Akron.

Dinner time with Dom, Tori, and Chris in Findlay at some hole in the wall restaurant. We Nastcarted, did the batting cages, got some porn, and played some games, a good day.

Ahh my swedish Lass and mikey, party time at Caesars.
