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Last year’s epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) struck a heavy blow to an industry still reeling from the impact of the BSE crisis and subsequent beef export ban. The outbreak started in February 2001 and by the time the last infected area was judged safe in December, there had been more than 2,000 confirmed cases and some 7m. animals had been slaughtered. The estimated cost to the economy was £8bn., with farmers losing £3bn. and the tourist industry around £5bn. due to the effective closure of the countryside.
The three independent inquiries into FMD painted a grim picture. The Government’s handling of the outbreak had been 'incompetent' and the farming industry itself was ‘dysfunctional’, with over-production, poor regulation and environmental damage the key problems. Contaminated meat from abroad was almost certainly the source of the outbreak, judged the 'Lessons to be Learned' inquiry, but the lack of proper controls over imports meant that it was impossible to be more precise. Or to guarantee that FMD would not return.

Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) - lots of information about the disease and its impact on the agricultural sector, plus all related government discussion papers.

The three major independent inquiries commissioned by the Government into the sources, spread and handling of the outbreak:

'Lessons to be Learned' Inquiry into the Foot-and-Mouth Disease outbreak of 2001 - handling of the outbreak was ‘negligent, incompetent and complacent’.

Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food - industry practices 'dysfunctional'.

Royal Society Inquiry into infectious Diseases in Livestock - cull was excessive, vaccination recommended as 'tool of first resort'.

Meat and Livestock Commission - practical advice on FMD for farmers and the meat industry.

Customs and Excise - responsible for policing imports and exports.

National Farmers' Union (NFU) - link to results of NFU 'Holiday Watch' survey, testing UK import controls in the wake of FMD.

National Pig Association - represents sub-sector hard-hit by FMD, as disease-free British pigs were slaughtered as precautionary measure. Now campaigning for better control of imports.

National Sheep Association - represents interests of sheep farmers country-wide.

Country Land and Business Association (CLA) - basic but useful information about FMD and links to CLA's submissions to the inquiries.

The Ramblers' Association - all footpaths have now reopened (Oct. 2002), but in the event of further FMD outbreaks, the RA would have plenty to say.

Chinese Civil Rights Action Group - interesting account of the action taken by the Chinese community after newspapers published reports alleging that the outbreak could be traced to a Chinese restaurant's illegal imports of contaminated beef.

World Organization for Animal Health - all the information you could need on FMD around the world, including official lists of 'safe' and 'unsafe' countries.

Institute for Animal Health (UK) - designated the World Reference Laboratory for Foot-and-Mouth Disease by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Organization for Animal Health. Best link for medical and diagnostic information.

Elm Farm Research Centre - archive of resources from educational charity that offers independent advice on organic foods and related issues. Pushed the case for vaccination.

Warmwell - most up-to-date website for news exclusively about FMD. Excellent archive of reports and comment.

Guardian Unlimited - special report, judged best coverage of a news story, European Online Journalism awards 2001. Masses of reports, interviews and poignant accounts of FMD's devastating sweep through the countryside.

BBC - in-depth report. Lots of detail.

Foot-and-mouth website - interesting selection of information on the disease, though many links are not active.