Arguably the most contentious issue facing the countryside today is the question of fox-hunting. For many in the countryside hunting has existed as a way of life, and for some as a livelihood, for generations. For those opposed to it, however, it is seen as a cruel and unnecessary pastime, and often as a symbolic relic of aristocratic authority. The current political climate has heightened the furore over hunting, the Labour government having staked much of its legislative reputation on a popular bill to ban the sport. The promise of a ban on hunting with dogs was a high point of Labours 1997 election manifesto, but attempts to deliver have so far been frustrated by the House of Lords. The governments determination to force a bill through Parliament has provoked a bitter reaction from many in the countryside who see it as a prime example of the steady erosion of rural traditions and rights by a state which is increasingly concerned with the well-being of its city-dwellers at the expense of their rural neighbours. |
for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(DEFRA) - online information on consultation process for anti-hunting legislation.
Links to government reports, parliamentary meetings and recommendations.
Burns Inquiry - the public committee, set up to examine the practical aspects of hunting and the consequences of a ban. Includes full report, evidence, research and interviews.
Middle Way Group - parliamentary group that supports change to existing
legislation to promote aninal welfare, but opposes an outright ban.
Campaigning to Protect Hunted Animals (CPHA) - umbrella organisation arguing for a ban on the hunting of all animals with dogs, on the grounds of 'utility and cruelty'. Hosted by the RSPCA. League Against Cruel Sports - campaigning organisation at the forefront of the fight against hunting with dogs. Active conservation programme and network of wildlife sanctuaries. International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) - international organisation working for animal welfare and against hunting with dogs. |
Countryside Alliance - Campaign for Hunting - an umbrella organisation representing a wide range of rural interests, the CAs current focus is overturning the Governments declared intention to ban hunting with dogs. Further details on the CA. 'The Real Rural Agenda' - video interviews with the Chairman and the Cheif Executive of the Countryside Alliance explaining the importance of hunting to the countryside lobby. Hounds - site dedicated to the continuation of hunting with hounds. Countryman's Weekly Online - magazine site for hunting, shooting and fishing. |
online - special
report into hunting, the arguments, the legislation and the fury.
The Game Conservancy Trust - registered charity conducting practical research into game and wildlife management. Advises governmental and other public bodies. Academic research submitted to Burns Inquiry by the GCT. Harrop Report - research into the ecological implications of anti-hunting legislation, from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent. |