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These are the guidelines for writing your stories about the U.S.S. Equinox. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, don't hesitate to E-mail me.


Turn Rotation
General Guidelines
Technical Details


Turn Rotation

Everyone signed up to play (go to the signup page to sign up) will take turns writing stories about their character. Most of the time, the turn order will be the order that the players are listed in on the characters page. Only under certain circumstances will the order be different. Whenever it's a player's turn to write a story, I will notify him/her by E-mail. The player will then have 4 days to send in a story by E-mailing it to me. As soon as I get the story, or when 4 days pass, it'll be the next person's turn to write a story. Every time a story is sent in, I'll post it immediately in the new stories section and E-mail all the participants and tell them the site's been updated.


General Guidelines

Each of your stories will be centered mostly around the character you create. Of course, that doesn't mean that your character is the only person you can write about, but he or she will be the main character in most if not all of your stories.

Since this is a Star Trek site, the stories will obviously be Star Trek style stories. However, they probably won't be as episodic as stories for a weekly TV show are, so you can resolve your story in one turn, or you can leave one or more "cliffhangers" in them for you to resolve on one of your future turns, or for one of the other players to develop or resolve. I don't want to say anything else about the style of your stories because I want to leave it open for people to be as creative as possible.

There's not really a specified requirement on story length. Your stories should probably be at least 200 words long to tell an interesting story, and probably shouldn't go much over 1000 words. I'm not going to be very picky about story lengths though. Just make the story as long as it needs to be to tell the story you want to tell.

Since all the characters are on the same ship, don't be afraid to continue from other people's stories or use things from their stories in yours. This should hopefully end up being a very interactive experience.

Finally, a basic knowledge of Star Trek is assumed (you know what Starfleet is, you know who the Klingons are, etc.), but of course if you have questions about any specifics you can mail me and I'll try to answer them for you. There are also loads of sources on the internet where you can get information about Star Trek in general.



Even if your story doesn't directly develop off of the storylines of other people's stories, you should keep some level of consistency. For example, if one person writes that a certain shuttlecraft was destroyed, your character shouldn't be flying that same shuttle after that. Of course, you can get around something like that by setting your story sometime before the shuttle was destoryed (see the stardates section). As long as you've read the other stories there shouldn't be any big consistency errors. If you have any questions about anything, you can check out the chronology section or E-mail me.

Something else that goes along with consistency is writing in character. You should definitely write your own character somewhat consistently in-character. Also, even though you'll be writing mainly about the character you create, you can (and probably should) write about any of the other characters, especially about things they do that directly affect your own character. As long as you don't have them doing anything that's majorly out of character, you can write anything you want about any of the other characters.



There should be a stardate included with every story. It should either be fit into the story somewhere or be sent in the E-mail along with the story. The reason for the Stardates is to set the time frame of the story in relation to the other stories. Assuming that the Stardate progresses 1000 full units in a year, an increase of .1 corresponds to a progression of about 0.876 hours or 52.56 minutes. If you want your story to occur within the same 52.56 minutes as another story, use the same stardate. Also, if you want your story to be set an approximate length of time before or after another story, set the stardate so it follows that approximate length of time. For example, if Story B's stardate is .3 higher than Story A's, that means Story B is set somewhere around 2.628 hours after Story A. Of course that is approximate so it may actually be 2.0 hours or 2.9 hours, the exact amount of time usually isn't important (and can be specifically stated in the story if it is). The Stardates just allow for everyone to get a sense of about how much time has passed between each of the events. You can also give more than one Stardate if the story spans a long period of time or jumps between different points in time. The stardates that each story occurs on are listed on the chronology page.


Technical Details

A big part of Star Trek is the technology. Tricorders, Warp Cores, Transporters, and other marvels of technology are often a part of the story in Star Trek. You're welcome to include as few or as many technical details as you want in your stories. You can put the details in on your own, or, if you want to include more technical details in your stories but don't know much about the finer points of Federation technology, you can insert the word [Tech] into the story and I'll fill in the appropriate technical details before posting the story on the site. My sources of reference are the "Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual", the "Star Trek Encyclopedia", and my years of being a Star Trek fan.



I try not to be overly restrictive about content, but some discretion should be shown when writing stories. A little more will be tolerated on this web site than is allowed on network TV, but try not to let the amount of sex, violence, or profanity become too excessive or too gratuitous. A wide range of people have access to this web site (pretty much everybody who has internet access) so I'm going to show a little responsibility about what's posted here.


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