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This is where you sign up to participate in U.S.S. Equinox. Either before signing up or before writing your first story, please read the Story Guidelines. To sign up, fill in all the fields on this page and hit the Submit button: (note: U.S.S. EQUINOX IS NO LONGER RUNNING AND THIS FORM CANNOT BE USED TO SIGN UP FOR IT).

First, please give your E-mail address. A valid E-mail address is absolutely necessary:

If you have a link you'd like to be included in the links section, please type the full URL in here (optional):

The rest of the information is about your character. Remember that this is the person you're going to be writing about most of the time, so try to come up with an interesting character. Be as creative as you want, but also remember that this character is going to be someone on board the Federation Starship Equinox. Also, your character shouldn't be someone already established in Star Trek TV shows or movies (you can't sign up as Commander Shelby, Garak, Spock, etc). You can create a completely new character, or signup to play as one of the people in the Other Characters section of the Characters page. If you're unsure of what to enter for any of the fields, click here for an example of what a character data sheet should look like:

Please enter the name of your character:

Please enter your character's age:

Character's Rank:
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Non Commissioned Officer (Crewman, Chief, etc.)
None (Civilian)

Character's Position (Character's job on the ship):

Character's Race:





Character's History (A basic summary of what's happened in the character's life so far):

Character's Personality Profile (A basic description of the character's personality):

[Signups Closed]

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