08-02-2000   After a board meeting on July 30, 2000, Percosolation Products is proud to announce that they have created and added a series of new pages and additions!

                    "Game Shows" added to "Lists"

                     "Recognized Holidays" added to "Lists"

                     "Video Games" added to "Lists"

                     "Dictionary D" updated.

                     "Dictionary T" updated.

07-27-2000   "Dictionary D" updated.

07-23-2000   "Dictionary P" updated.

                      "Mottoes and Sayings" updated.

07-16-2000   "Dictionary D" updated.
07-08-2000   "Dictionary H" updated.

                       "Dictionary S" updated.

06-28-2000    "Dictionary A" updated.

                       "Dictionary H" updated.

                       "Dictionary P" updated.

06-23-2000    "Dictionary F" updated.

                       "Dictionary H" updated.

06-22-2000    "Dictionary P" updated.

06-18-2000    "Mottoes and Sayings" updated.

06-14-2000    "Dictionary D" updated.

06-06-2000    "Dictionary G" updated.

                       "Dictionary T" updated.

06-04-2000    "Dictionary D" updated.

05-29-2000    "Dictionary A" updated

05-28-2000    "Dictionary F" updated.

                       "Dictionary N" updated.

05-21-2000    "Mottoes and Sayings" updated.

05-13-2000    "Dictionary B" updated.
04-16-2000    "Dictionary P" updated.

                       "Dictionary D" updated.

04-10-2000    New "Lynx" added.

04-09-2000    "Questions" added to "Other Shit"

04-02-2000    DHTML effects added to dictionary indices--whoopie!

                       "Mottoes and Sayings" updated.

                       "Dictionary T" updated.

03-13-2000    "Dictionary S" updated.

                       "Dictionary T" updated

03-05-2000    "Dictionary P" updated.

                       "Links" updated

02-24-2000    Updated "Dictionary H"

02-21-2000    Updated "Dictionary H"

                       Updated "Dictionary M"

                       Updated "Dictionary T"

02-17-2000    Updated "Dictionary T"

02-15-2000    Updated "Dictionary D"

                       Updated "Dictionary M"

02-14-2000    "Mottoes and Sayings" updated.

02-09-2000    Updated "Dictionary T"

02-08-2000    "Links" Updated

                       Updated "Dictionary D"

                       Updated "Dictionary T"

                       Front-Page 2000 "enabled" site for web publishing

                       New!!!:  The Ballympics under "Other Shit"

01-24-2000    New stuff added to:

                       "Dictionary D

                       "Dictionary F"

                       "Dictionary P"

01-09-2000    New crap on "Mottoes and Sayings"

01-06-2000    New stuff added to 

                       "The Deluxe Mottoes and Sayings of P.P."

01-02-2000    "Ballympics" added in "Other Shit"

11-26-1999     "Dictionary 'P'" updated.

                        "Dictionary 'T'" Updated

11-25-1999      Percosolation Products' page now KY compliant

                         "Derisions and Derisiveness" on  to "Other Shit"

                          "Mottoes" in the "Other Shit" section  updated               

11-24-1999       New Term added to "Dictionary 'H'"

11-05-1999       "About" section link added to Dictionary Main Page

                          New terms added to "Dictionary 'B'

                          New terms added to "Dictionary 'M'"

                          New terms added to "Dictionary 'P'"

                          New terms added to "Dictionary 'T'"

11-04-1999        Freaking "Mail-To" link fixed so you nerds can give us some feedback.

11-04-1999        "News" category added for update information.