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Wheel of the Year Celebrations

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Previous Wheel of the Year Celebrations

Imbolc: Feburary 2, 2003.

Facilitated by Gryphon and Friends. This Ritual will be held at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

All the land is cold and quiet;
The air is chill and snow blankets the Earth.
The rivers run with ice and the hearth fire has cooled.
Will winter pass into Spring?
Will we be able to turn the wheel once more?

Each of us is but
A single
In the darkness

It is time to sweep out the old and unneeded and welcome the stirrings of life once again. But to turn the wheel, we must be a strong united force. Our belief forms our reality… Be prepared to receive messages and be open to your own voice. Think carefully about what you want to dedicate yourself to this coming year. Are you willing to take the Challenge of the Goddess? Are you completing the Challenge you took last year and planning on continuing? If you want to do either of these, please contact me before Saturday, February 1 and we will honor your journey. Be sure to bring your candles and other tools for our annual blessing. It is also time to say goodbye to the Steering Committee members who are stepping down and welcome those stepping up.

Ostara: March 23, 2003

Facilitated by Amy. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill. As Spring nears, the young God, Culhwch longs for the hand of the Goddess Olwen. Olwen's father, the Giant Ysbadadden sets him seven tasks to prove his worth. Come join Culhwch on his quest for Fertility, Prosperity, Warrior Spirit, Healing, Sexuality, Valor and Transformation, and explore how you can apply these qualities to the challenges in your life.

Beltaine: May 4, 2002.

Facilitated by DolphinMoon.

Summer Solstice a la Monty Python: Sunday, June 22, 2003, 5 PM

Facilitated by Dan Campbell and Cohorts. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill. The theme of this ritual is one of fun and laughter as we look at ourselves through a Monty Python-esque lens. Mirth, merry-making, and a wee bit of satire will be a large part of the ritual, but there will also be serious threads woven through the whole. (If you're not a Python fan, don't worry - we wrote the ritual with the 'uninitiated' in mind. ;-)

The ritual will be followed by munchies and socializing, so please bring fingerfoods and drinks. Other things worth bringing include: drums, camp chairs, bug repellent, water, and a sense of humor.

Supervised children are welcome to attend and will participate in the ritual with everyone else. While some of the younger ones may not follow all of the humor, they should still enjoy laughing with the adults.

Lammas; Sunday, August 3, 2003, 5 PM.

Facilitated by Gryphon and Friends. This Ritual will be held at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in the Commons Room. One of the meanings of Lugh comes from “lugio” meaning “an oath.” In addition to celebrating the First Harvest, be prepared to make a solemn oath to the entity that you must be the most honest with—yourself. What will you harvest that will aid you in making it to the spring again? What oath will you take that will help you in walking your path? Consider how the Elements—Air, Fire, Water and Earth can support you. Each has various resources that can aid you in making, then carrying out your oath to yourself.

Mabon; Sunday, September 21, 2003.

Facilitated by Sharon and friends. Come celebrate the Autumn Equinox with CTC as we join Hades and Persephone in a conscious journey into the underworld. We will go to gather treasure, buried deep within us. We will bring back tools to help us mine the gems of wisdom hidden deep with ourselves over the coming winter months. Come share the wisdom of the equinox, as we move past balance into the dark side of the wheel of the year.

Celebrate the Circle celebrates Mabon, at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Garrett Rd. in Durham on Sunday, September 21 at 5 PM, in the Commons Room. Bring food to share afterwards!

Samhain: Sunday, November 2, 2003.

Facilitated by Cynthia Campbell. Celebrate the Circle's 13th Samhain celebration will be November 2 in the Commons Room at the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Durham at 5:00. We invite you to bring along items that speak to you of ancestors, lost loved ones, and pets that have passed on to add to our ancestor altar. There will be an opportunity to honor the names of those who have gone on in the last year or so.

While we will be respectful of our honored dead, we are also going to be celebrating, so bring a dish to share (there is a kitchen to use if you need a refrigerator or oven), and drums and/or musical instruments to play after the ritual is over. We'd like to get a rip-roaring drum circle going!! It will be an evening of honoring those we have lost and sharing food and fun with them!

Yule - Winter Solstice; December 21, 2003

Facilitatd by Amy Brann. This Ritual will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Hillsborough. At the darkest time of the year, we fear that we are alone and hope is lost. Journey with Celebrate The Circle to forests of Eastern Europe to learn from Rod and Rozhnitza that although it is cold and dark, the seed of hope and bonds of community remain.

Bring yourself, a dish to share, musical instruments, and yuletide spirit to celebrate our 13th annual Yule Ritual. For further information contact Amy Brann at (919) 624-1320.
