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The Judging Seminar, Judge's Exam and Judge's ConEd

June 25-28, 2016

The name of the hands-on testing session for judge candidates is the Judging Exam (JE).  The next JE will be held during the 2016 NPGA National Convention in Shelby, NC.  Anyone who wants to learn more about how pygmy goats are judged may attend to observe and help handle goats.  Candidates for judging licenses must (1) be NPGA members in good standing; (2) be at least 18 years old; and (3) be on time for and attend both days of the JE.  All candidates to take the training and test classes at the JE must have taken and passed the written test and pre-register with the current JTC chair on or before May 2, 2016. A minimum amount of 4 judge candidates must have met the requirements set forth in 10.B.1 (Rules & Regs.) in order to facilitate the clinic/exam. If the minimum of 4 is not met, the clinic/exam will not be held.


The written test includes true-and-false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple choice questions.  To be a candidate, you must take the written test on or before March 24, 2016 and have passed the written test on or before April 23, 2016.  You need to arrange a time and place with a licensed NPGA judge or current NPGA Director to proctor your written test.  Then contact (JTC Chair) immediately so (he/she) will have time to mail your test to that judge/director.  When you have taken the written test, the judge/NPGA director will mail it back to (JTC Chair) for grading and she/he will notify you of your score.  If necessary, you can retake the written test no less than 10 days apart.  


The written test and the JE test classes are based on the information provided in the Judging Manual (revised January 2014) Rules & Regs., and Current Show Rules. The manual is available from NPGA Merchandising for $10 plus shipping charges.  There is a merchandise order form at the back of this MEMO or you can order the handbook on the NPGA website at: (use the “Shop NPGA”).  Observers/auditors will not be tested, but will learn more if they have also studied this manual before they attend the JE.


Written Test $50/each time taken

Judge Candidates Judging Clinic $100

Practical Test for judge candidates $200

 Auditors of Candidates Judging Clinic $100


Judging Clinic – $100 – Saturday June 25 & Sunday June 26 – Judge candidates are required to complete the official two-day NPGA Judging Clinic immediately prior to taking the Judging Exam. Each day will start at 8:00 AM Those NPGA members auditing will be with this group but will not participate in any practice test classes.

Practical Test – $200 – Monday, June 27 – The day will start at 8:00 AM with registration for candidates. The first test class for candidates will follow the registration process as well as a brief explanation of the testing process. Breaks and lunch will be announced during the day.

Practical Test Day Two – Tuesday, June 28 – The starting time for the rest of the test classes will be provided on the first day.  Judging licenses will be presented to qualified candidates at the end of the testing process.


MONDAY – start at 8 AM


8:00 AM – candidates/JTC /Handlers Meeting – In show ring bleachers.

  1. Discuss general overall schedule for the 2 days – will be adjusted as needed.

  2. Discuss testing process.

  3. If all testing is completed on Monday, those candidates passing will be awarded their certificates.


9:00 AM until Released by Coordinator – ConEd for Judges

  1. All Judges will sign the Judges’ sign-in sheet.

  2. Judges there for ConEd will meet in separate area set up for that purpose.

  3. Judges taking the ConEd are required to be on time and attend for the entire session to get credit.

  4. Judges will be given a 1 hour lunch break by the clinician at a time appropriate.

  5. Discussion groups, hands on work with goats will be part of the ConEd.

  6. Plan on a full day for those judges attending and participating in the Continuing Education.


TUESDAY – 8 [?] AM until done if Testing was not completed Monday


Remaining Test Class(es) – 8 AM until lunch 

8:00 AM – candidates/JTC/Handlers Meeting – In show ring bleachers

  1. Discuss general overall schedule for the day of testing if needed.

  2. Discuss testing process.


JTC - license New Judges

  1. Review and double-check final scores and determine Candidates who passed.

  2. Prepare and sign judging licenses for new Judges.

  3. Present licenses to new Judges.


Afterwards, JTC Chair will meet with all Candidates individually and gives them their scores.  JTC Chair and members meet with the new Judges to answer questions and offer future guidance.


For Questions contact current JTC Chair Linda Colville at 541-331-2257 or email at

See Convention Ad on the NPGA website for other information pertaining to 2016 NPGA Convention in Shelby, NC


For JE questions, contact current Judges Training Committee chairperson at phone number, email address, listed on NPGA website or in MEMO. Until January 2016, JTC interim chair is Linda Colville 541-331-2257 or

See the 2016 Convention ad in MEMO or on the NPGA website for information about accommodations or showground facilities