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The 2016 NPGA National Champion Challenge

June 24, 2016
6:00 PM
Cleveland County Fairground
1751 E Marion St., Shelby, NC 28152 

All Permanent Grand Champions and qualified wethers are invited to compete in the 2016 National Champion Challenge.  There is no charge to compete, but there is a pen charge.  Champions will have a special pen sign and will be housed with the exhibitor's goats.  

National Champion Challenge Entry Form (MSWord)

National Champion Challenge Entry Form (PDF)

The deadline for inclusion in the Showbook has passed.  Entries will be accepted up to the show date.  Please email them to Maggie if you can to help with paperwork. The scheduled arrival and check in is for Friday June 24.  If you will be arriving earlier please note that on your entry form so we can be sure someone will be there to meet you.

For official rules governing the National Champion Challenge visit the NPGA website here:


Make check payable to the NC Pygmy Goat Club (NCPGC).
Send completed form and check to:

Maggie Leman
1205 Olive Branch Rd.
Durham, NC  27703 

Having problems downloading forms?
Email the Webmaster