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When God filled the oceans on the fourth day, He must have bestowed His blessings alphabetically. The Alantic Ocean is filled with the largest variety of fish you could ever imagine. In all my catches over the years, I haven’t even made a dent in the many species.

One of my favorites to fish for is the bluefish. Blues usually run from spring to fall. A good tell-tale sign of where the blues are running is to look to the sky for a flock of seagulls. Why? Well, when blues feed, they bite fish into and leave the rest to float on top of the water. This attracts seagulls to also feed. I use either fresh-cut or live mullet for bait. I also use a bottom fishfinder rig. This allows the bait to drift with the current…makes the bait look more natural. When I don’t use bait, I will use a pop casting lure, the Hopkin’s jig. Either rig or jig…a blue will bite on anything. My equipment of choice for bait or artificial lure is a medium surf spinning rod and reel. When you pull that blue in, be sure to “bleed” it. “Bleeding” is to cut the belly of the fish open, allowing it to bleed. This will ensure that your catch won’t have a strong taste.

"Percy" you want to swap some ‘fish tales’ ?? about that big one that got away ??........if so, click on PERCY, the talking fish, and he will take you to "JETTY JUMPER'S NC SURFISHING CLUB" Yahoo club for just us fishermen....................SEE YA THERE !!!!!!!

Flounder is also one I enjoy fishing for. Like the bluefish, flounders run spring to fall. For bait, I use live minnows or mullet. For an artificial lure, I use the Flounder Pounder. (refer to link below) The Flounder Pounder is a rubber jig that bounces along the bottom. The equipment I use is a medium freshwater spinning rod and reel. Fish for flounder around “structures”, for example; rocks, deep soughs, pilings. For more info on structure fishing, refer to “Looking for A New Way to Fish?”

These are just two of my favorites. To learn more on the different species of fish, along with some good recipes, click on one of the links below…..and enjoy! (click on the "COOL LINKS" logo to start with a great index)

Click here for youreye-candy award!

Click for Emerald Isle, North Carolina Forecast

Gifts of the North Carolina Coast

  • Spots
  • Puppy Drum (aka Red Drum)
  • Blues
  • Speckled Trout
  • Flounder

  • Spanish Mackeral
  • Virginia Mullet
  • Pompano
  • Lady Fish
  • Black Drum

  • When fishing in our surf, be sure you know our North Carolina Fishing Regulations !!

What is the biggest fish you've ever caught while surf fishing?

Current Results

Gaff a Link Here

Blues Run Here
Floundering Around
....another COOL LINK