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Luna's Boring Ass Life

Greensboring, North Hellolina

OK well in case anyone cares this is my boring ass life. I am 21 years old and I LOVE alcohol. I live in this boring ass "growing" town that tries to call itself a city in Hell er I mean North Carolina. I just quit my job working at TGIFriday's where I was a hostess. Kinda funny since my job title was Smiling People Greeter and I dont smile and I fucking DESPISE people. I got a new job however working at Don Pablo's as a hostess. My one goal in life is to get as far away from North Carolina as is humanly possible.

I guess most people would classify me as goth because I wear a lot of black and dark lipstick with pale makeup. I really dont think I fit into anyone group other than all out freak. Thats fine with me though. I dont think I am a freak but by society's definition I guess I am. I really don't give a flying fuck what the hell people think about me though. Hell only one person's opinion matters to me but I'll go into that later.

As far as my musical tastes go I will listen to ALMOST anything. NO COUNTRY NO BUBBLEGUM AND VERY LITTLE RAP. I tend to like gothic, industrial, and metal more than anything though. Some of my favorite bands are Type O Negative, Tool, Pink Floyd, Pantera, Live, Rammstein, and The Doors. A few of my favorite songs are Black No. 1, Eulogy, Comfortably Numb, This Love, Dance With Me, Engel, and The End. I also like classical shit like Bach and Orff. Carmina Burana (which some of you may know from Excalibur) is about my favorite piece of music.

MOVIES ARE MY LIFE!!!! I love movies of almost any type. I am kinda partial to sci-fi and cult classics though. Troma movies are great. Tromeo and Juliet, The Toxic Avenger, Redneck Zombies.... you just can't beat the all around cheesiness of Troma. I will list my favorite movies on another section of this site cuz there is no way in hell I can even begin to list them here.

Video games are something else I love. Especially rpg's. Lunar was my introduction to rpg's back on the Sega CD. My top five rpg's are Xenogears, Final Fantasy 7, Lunar, Final Fantasy 8, and Star Ocean 2. Once again these will be covered in more depth in another section.

OK most people may find this pathetic but I spend the majority of my time away from work chatting on the sega chat server. I first got on the Sega server when my ex boyfriend bought a Sega Dreamcast. I have since become an irc addict. I no longer have access to a dreamcast so I use my shint new computer :)

OK well thats enough for now. I will add more useless info about me whenever I feel like it. Pics have finally been scanned, so here you go. Now don't laugh too much. Hey it's worth a try right?

Heh a few updates here... Well I'm working at Don Pablo's now and OMG its boring as hell. All I do is stand around for a few hours a day twiddling my thumbs. Only two more months to go before i can start going back to Fridays to raise more hell!! WOOHOO!!! Hopefully it passes by soon cuz I know Brian's sick of ppl asking him where I am. Heh I'm starting to listen to more hip hop and dress like a halfway normal person! (Hard to believe isn't it?) If Jennifer ever sends me my pcs I'll put up some new pics of me and various other ppl but till then BUH BYE!!

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